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Yesterday’s Radicalism Is Today’s Mainstream

Tuesday, March 21, 2017 20:42
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(Before It's News)

Owen Strachan has a new article in The Federalist on how White men are flocking to the Alt-Right:

“Various journalists have helped form a narrative of sorts about the identity of this shadowy, boisterous alt-right movement. The alt-right is childish and vicious, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing other than the message-board histrionics of aggrieved young men in their parents’ basement. …

I do wonder, however, if the media has missed at least one true thing regarding the “alt-right.” The movement (if we can call it that) may often prove inchoate and even inarticulate, but behind the memes and coded language, there seems to be a massed sentiment. It is this: men feel left behind. …

Others see men struggling, observe them falling precipitously behind in earning college degrees and other achievements such as earnings for unmarrieds, watch them leaving their wives and children then violently lashing out, and begin to wonder if men need something besides elaborate gender theory or a dismissive long-form hot-take. Maybe men, particularly young men, need help. …

Because it is not friendly to them, many men do not like postmodern society. They have been taught they have no innate call to leadership of home and church, and accordingly have lost the script for their lives. They have been encouraged to step back from being a breadwinner, and do not know what they are supposed to do with their lives.

They have been told that they talk too loudly and spread their legs too wide, and thus do not fit in with a feminized society. They may be the product of a divorced home, and may have grown up without an engaged father, so possess both pent-up rage and a disappearing instinct. They did nothing to choose their biological manliness, but are instructed to attend sensitivity training by virtue of it. They recognize—rightly—that politically correct culture constrains free thought and free speech, and so they opt out from it. …

But here is where the common narrative of the alt-right and related groups makes a major mistake. Men are disappearing, but they are not vanishing. They are moving out of the mainstream, and into the shadows. …

But men need a deeper solution than this. They need something more than a message-board movement to join. They need a call to maturity, to repentance, to greatness, to leadership, to courage, to self-sacrifice on behalf of women and children. They need a hero: not a political performance-artist, but a true hero, a savior who, unlike a fallen culture, leaves no repentant man—or woman—behind.”

Here are a few thoughts:

1.) Just to clarify, we’re really talking about cisgendered, straight non-Hispanic White men here. Jewish men, Hispanic men, Asian men, black men and homosexual men aren’t facing the same situation. These people have greater opportunities than they enjoyed in the past.

2.) I’ve reviewed Marilyn Yalom’s A History of The Wife, Stephanie Coontz’s Marriage, a History and Andrew Cherlin’s The Marriage-Go-Round. To put this in perspective, there have been more sweeping changes in marriage, sex, the family, the status of women and gender identity in the last fifty years than in the previous two thousand years of Western history.

3.) The mass immigration of non-Whites into Europe and North America is similarly an unprecedented phenomenon. It can only be compared to the incursions of the Arabs, Turks and Mongols and even those invasions don’t do justice to the magnitude of the cultural and demographic changes sweeping across the West. Unlike the predicament we are facing today, those invasions were bitterly resisted by premodern Europeans. They weren’t welcomed and encouraged by a feminized leadership.

4.) There was no such thing as the “mainstream” until around 1960. In order to be “mainstream,” your behavior has to conform to a moral code which didn’t exist a century ago. It is a secular catechism created by radicals and propagated by a cartel of mass media outlets.

5.) Christianity has been twisted in all sorts of ways to conform to the dominant narratives of the “mainstream.” We live in a country where Lutherans denounce Martin Luther!

6.) Around the mid-20th century, the people who had previously been identified as radicals and who were confined to the margins of our culture began to break into the elite and succeeded in hijacking culture producing institutions. In many cases, they were at the forefront of pioneering new forms of media like film. Eventually, what used to be known as the counter-culture became “mainstream” culture, and what used be normal, healthy attitudes were stigmatized as “fringe.”

7.) As Thomas Carlyle would say, the White male is now invited to observe the ruins of his own culture which has been reduced to “mere mountains of anarchic rubbish.” We’re invited “to sing Fraternity, &c. over it, and rejoice in the now remarkable era of human progress we have arrived at.” If you dare to hold a contrary view on these developments and deny any of the new sacred -isms and -phobias, you are excommunicated from the “mainstream.”

8.) The Alt-Right doesn’t consider any of this progress. On the contrary, we see it as a decline. The family unit has been demolished. It has been replaced by abortion, divorce and ugly women with loose morals wearing pink pussy hats. We’re being invaded by millions of foreigners because our elites want to dissolve our borders. We have a culture that is collapsing because it is being pulverized by networks of subversive elements who have infested our media and universities.

9.) There are millions of White males who want nothing more than to live a quiet, peaceful, normal, healthy life. You can’t do that and expect to be “mainstream” these days. The costs of the catastrophic breakdown we experienced in the mid-20th century are mounting by the day. A crisis is looming.

10.) Finally, I will just say that I am trying to cut the “mainstream” out of my life and recommend that others do the same. It took me a long time, but I found a nationalist wife who shares my values. We have a family now. I have use social media to network with likeminded people who reject the “mainstream.” I now have lots of friends who share my values. I use social media to attack the “mainstream” and so many people appreciate my voice on these issues that I am gradually becoming economically independent of the “mainstream.” Whether it is compromised churches, public schools, politicians or the fake news media, we are rejecting the “mainstream” in favor of alternatives.

The “mainstream” is dying from a thousand cuts. Good riddance!


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