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Court Jew Triumphant: Sources Claim That Bannon And Priebus May Be Fired And Replaced By Jews

Friday, April 7, 2017 11:34
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(Before It's News)

I can’t even tell anymore if these stories leaking from the White House are Fake News, or whether they all possess some grain of truth to them.

All we really know is that there is a serious civil war being waged at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, and that based off of what we’ve seen in recent days, the enemy faction led by the likes of Jew Jared Kushner looks to be either in the lead, or absolutely victorious already.

Steve Bannon is likely on his way out, and if I were a betting man, I would place his remaining time in his current position in hours rather than several days or weeks.

Oddly enough, Rence Priebus – who I don’t particular care for if you want my honest opinion – seems to be on the chopping block as well if this story is to be believed.

From Axios/AP:

President Trump is considering a broad shakeup of his White House that could include the replacement of White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus and the departure of chief strategist Steve Bannon, aides and advisers tell us.

A top aide to Trump said he’s contemplating major changes, but that the situation is very fluid and the timing uncertain: “Things are happening, but it’s very unclear the president’s willing to pull that trigger.”

Insiders tell me that the possibilities for chief of staff include:

  • House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), who developed a bond with Trump as one of the earlier congressional leaders to support him, and remains a confidant.
  • Wayne Berman of Blackstone Group, a Washington heavy-hitter who was an Assistant Secretary of Commerce under President George H.W. Bush, and a key adviser on eight presidential campaigns.
  • David Urban of the Washington advisory firm American Continental Group, and a former chief of staff to the late Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.). Urban helped Trump win an upset victory in Pennsylvania, and was in constant cellphone contact with the candidate throughout the campaign.
  • Gary Cohn, Trump’s economic adviser and the former #2 at Goldman Sachs, who has built a formidable team and internal clout.

The West Wing “Game of Thrones” has been raging ever since Trump took office. But the war between the nationalists and the moderates, led by Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump, burst into the open this week after Bannon was taken off the National Security Council, setting off a torrent of leaks against him.

So, we could have one of the last remaining Nationalists near Trump replaced by yet another Jew that may or may not end up being the best friend of Kushner – Cohn is already close to Trump and considered a favorite of the President.

Priebus is an Establishment Republican, but at least he seemed rather goofy and harmless compared to what we’re likely going to get.

The other two prospects seem to be Gentiles, but their track records – Kennedy may be a wildcard – scream “SWAMP” more than anything else.

And if you’re still wondering if this is really going to happen or if we’re just seeing another example of the Lugenpresse doing their thing, I would like to remind you of the fate of Corey Lewandowski, who was let go after he too fell into a conflict with Jew Jared over policy and strategy.

I almost wonder if we played too nice with Kushner and his wife for strategic reasons, although that analysis and speculation is probably best left for another day.


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