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By Occidental Dissent
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Sunday, April 9, 2017 4:57
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(Before It's News)

The hashtag slogan #FireKushner has caught on as a way to protest the negative influence of Trump’s unelected globalist son-in-law.

It is now abundantly apparent that we also need to start using the hashtag slogan #FireNikkiHaley.

Business Insider reports:

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said in an interview that she sees regime change in Syria as one of the Trump administration’s priorities in the country wracked by civil war.

…The comments represented a departure from what Haley had said before the United States hit a Syrian air base with 59 Tomahawk missiles on Thursday in retaliation for what it said was a chemical weapons attack by Assad’s forces on Syrian civilians.

As governor of South Carolina Haley led the push against the Confederate flag and Southern heritage. She bragged on television about her anti-Southern stand and was praised by the cuckservative leaders of the Republican Party as a “rising star” for what she did.

Haley, an Indian immigrant, identifies globalism and universalism with Americanism. She campaigned against Donald Trump in the GOP primary and has sought to undermine his “America First” foreign policy and re-align it with McCain-Graham-Kristol-style neo-conservatism as Trump’s UN ambassador.

Haley needs to go. She never should have got a job in the Trump Administration. She has done nothing but cause trouble. She was an awful governor of South Carolina who fought against the interests of the White Christian Southern voters who put her in office. And now she is doing her best in partnership with Lindsey Graham, John McCain and Jared Kushner to bog the USA down in another needless and costly war for Israel in the Middle East.  She needs to go.


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