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Power Monthly Deal Analysis Market 2016: Industry, Growth, Forecast To 2021.

Thursday, December 22, 2016 5:44
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“ include new market research report” Power Monthly Deal Market – Attractiveness, Competitive Landscape and Forecasts” to its huge collection of research reports.

Power Monthly Deal Analysis – October 2016: M&A and Investment Trends

BMR’s “Power Monthly Deal Analysis – October 2016: M&A and Investment Trends” report is an essential source of data and trend analysis on the mergers and acquisitions (M&As) and financing’s in the power industry. The report provides detailed information on M&As, equity/debt offerings, private equity, venture financing and partnership transactions registered in the power industry in October 2016. The report portrays detailed comparative data on the number of deals and their value in the last six months, subdivided by deal types, segments and geographies. Additionally, the report provides information on the top financial advisory firms in the power industry.

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- Analyze market trends for the power market in the global arena
- Review of deal trends in wind, fossil fuels, cogeneration, solar, hydro, biopower, geothermal, transformation
technologies, energy efficiency, energy storage, energy infrastructure, and nuclear energy markets.
- Analysis of M&A, Equity/Debt Offerings, Private Equity, Venture Financing and Partnerships in the power
- Summary of power deals globally in the last six months
- Information on the top deals that took place in the power industry
- Geographies covered include – North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, South & Central America, and Middle
East & Africa
- League Tables of financial advisors in M&A and equity/debt offerings. This includes key advisors such as
Morgan Stanley, Credit Suisse, and Goldman Sachs

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Big Market Research uniqueness lies in its highly ethical reports at economical rates because we value your relationship and growth more than money. Your growth is our aim.
Our strength is in our research analysts who with their proactive approach are able to source best and correct information which can be detrimental in organizations success. We follow six sigma standards leaving no scope for error.

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