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A Complete Range Of Child Proof Products Are Now Available at Completechildsafety.Com

Monday, April 25, 2016 0:19
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Childproofing the home now possible through the complete range of childproofing products

GRAPEEVINE, TX, USA (APRIL 18, 2016) – A total solution to childcare and safety with a wide range of childproof products has been introduced in the US market, by the online store The babyproofing products are available for buying online from the website, and there the products are segregated as per categories for easy finding by the consumers.

The website tells and educates the consumers on the wide range of products which can be used at home to make the house toddler or child proof. The CEO of the company tells in a press meet, “mothers often come to me for solutions asking ‘how I may child proof my home’. I simply tell them to go through the website’s series of products which tell a complete solution themselves on child and toddler safety.”

New parents and specially mothers, who stay with their child most of the time at home, can find out the entire range of childproofing products at the website. There are several products listed under prominent categories like electrical, cabinets, doors, drawers, tables, refrigerators, stoves, toilets etc. Any and every kind of threat which a child or toddler can have at home, has been given importance, and a remedy with an apt product has been presented on the website.

The special products which have been highlighted right on the home page of the website together with the testimonials of the satisfied parents are:

* Childproof cabinet lock
* Childproof stove knob cover
* Table corner cushion
* Childproof toilet lock
* Childproof electrical outlet

Besides, there are many more products category wise on the list. Users can even get maternity products or baby shower products from the same online shop. More information about the products, their care, use and utility can be obtained by visiting the page at

About Complete Child Safety, LLC.
Completechildsafety is an online store, selling all child safety and toddler safety products which are used in daily life by parents, to safeguard their toddlers against injury and the home against any mess.

Complete Child Safety, LLC.
2140 Hall-Johnson Road Ste. 102-285
Grapevine, Texas 76051
Email: [email protected]


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