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By William Frederick, M. Div.
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BEWARE of Day Number 333, April 11, in the End Times Countdown–Remember What Happened on Day Number 322!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015 19:23
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A countdown has begun and major events have been occurring on esoterically important day counts. I believe the next watch day in the countdown to watch is day #333—April 10-11, 2015. I do not know what if anything will happen on that day, but I believe it has the potential to be a day in which we see a major event occur, and thus bears watching. 

The countdown I am referring to began on May 13, 2014 and was explained in this post; BEWARE Day 322! The Countdown Has Begun, the Pattern Has Been Discovered, Events Are Happening NOW! Here is what has happened so far in the countdown. 

Day 1: 5/13/2014; beginning of countdown. 

Day 8: (2x2x2) 5/20/2014; The 2014 Jos bombings 

Day 27: (3x3x3) 6/8/2014; The Las Vegas shootings. 

Day 64: (4x4x4) 7/15/2014; Israel accepts an Egyptian ceasefire deal, but Hamas rejects it. 

Day 125: (5x5x5) 9/14/2014; Isis beheading; U.S. lines up allies against Islamic State. 

Day 216: (6x6x6) 12/14/2014; Sydney café Isis hostage siege; 2014 Sydney hostage crisis. 

Day 222: (date encoded on dollar bill) 12/20/2014; Temple oil and altar were dedicated; The Prophetic Implications of the Vernal Equinox Solar Eclipse March 20, 2015 and Beyond. 

Day 240: (.666 x 360) 1/7/2015; Charlie Hebdo Shootings. 

Day 322: (Illuminati death number) 3/30-31/2015; 6 end times prophecy related, events occurred, including the Iran deal, and all have the potential to develop into major prophetic occurrences! See the post; END TIMES ALERT! Look What Happened On Day Number 322! 

I think that the next day number of esoteric importance is day number 333, April 10-11, 2015. Here are some of the reasons why I feel that this day bears watching. 

1.     333 = 111 x 3 and 333 = 666/2. 

2.     It is Nisan 22—the last day of Passover. In the past major events have occurred on April 11th and some when it coincided with Passover. 

April 11, 1914 – Passover and the year World War I begins.

April 11, 1933 – Passover and Hitler passes first anti-Semitic laws on that very Passover.

April 11, 1996 – Comet Hyakutake crosses the star Algol.

April 11, 1997 – Comet Hale-Bopp crosses the star Algol.

April 11, 1998 – Passover and Israel’s 50th year and 50th Passover.

April 11, 2012 – 8.6 and 8.2 earthquakes off of Indonesia. These are also the 49th and 50th magnitude 8+ quakes since 1948. See more at:

3.     The Time on the clock in the Mophie Super Bowl commercial was 8:47 and 8:48. 8 + 47 + 8 + 48 = 111. In the midst of the destruction they had 3 biblical animals associated with the Passion Week. 3 x 111 = 333. 

4.     It is 7 days past the Passover blood moon, which is the third of the tetrad, and it is exactly 49 (7×7) months past the infamous Fukushima disaster. 

5.     An Earthquake watch has been posted for 3/20/15 to 4/11/15 for a 9.0 earthquake—pertinent info starts at the 13:30 mark. 



6.     It is my step brother’s birthday. In years past major events have occurred on my siblings’ birthdays. July 20th–Aurora shootings, December 14th—Sandy Hook shootings. 

All of the above leads me to believe that April 10-11, 2015 is a day that bears watching. Whether anything of significance will happen or not on that day I do not know but I ran across an interesting comment on a youtube video by Mr. Cati in which that date was mentioned. (HT Karen) 

You hit the jackpot mrcati! When they go hot the American gun owners go hot.

The Khazarian Satan worshipping cabal families, who used to control the world’s financial system, are not taking this lying down. Multiple sources say there will be a concerted attempt to start World War 3 during the Jewish festival of Passover that takes place between April 3 and April 11th this year. Already an “attempt by Rothschild to start a nuclear war with Russia,” has been stopped, according to Pentagon sources. A total of six nuclear weapons were prevented from being fired, the sources say. 

Let’s not forget that the third blood moon of the tetrad occurred on the first day of Passover on April 4, 2015. In the past during tetrad periods major happenings have occurred in regards to Israel. In the last two Israel was at war and became a nation, and regained Jerusalem. If the recent tetrad pattern holds I would expect to see Israel at war again, possibly regaining the Temple Mount before the last blood moon of the tetrad on 9/28/15. Here is the post about the tetrads; Beware the Midpoint of the Blood Moon Tetrad—January 5, 2015 and Beyond! 

What will happen on day #333, again I am not sure, but it is a day that I will be watching especially in light of what this man believes is the Biblical meaning of 333.

Many people around the world keep seeing the number 333. I believe the spiritual significance and meaning of the number 333 is profound! In Chapter 33 of the Bible book of Ezekiel, God commissioned the prophet to warn the Jewish people of coming tribulation… Could it be that God is using the number 333 as a present day angelic warning, a trumpet call, an end time SOS? I believe this to be true… 

If when he seeth the sword come upon the land, he blow the trumpet, and warn the people; Ezek 33:3. 
I believe that God is warning us that the major events of the end times are approaching fast. In fact as discussed in the post; BEWARE Day 322! The Countdown Has Begun, the Pattern Has Been Discovered, Events Are Happening NOW!, the countdown that has begun may be the countdown of the last 7 years—the 70th Week.
Are you ready for the end times? Please accept my gift to you and download a FREE copy of The Coming Epiphany—your preparation guide for the end times. 
Do you know what you must do to be saved? Read God’s Gift of Salvation. 


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