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BIN Exclusive! Top Secret Doc Exposes Deadly Link to Jade Helm and Your Blood Will Boil with Rage When You Find Out The Mysterious Plans of Our Government! The Truth Behind Whats Going to Happen Soon!

Monday, April 6, 2015 16:38
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(Before It's News)


By Lisa Haven 


On December 18, 2014, President Barack Obama secretly signed an executive order creating a Presidential Task Force geared at 21st Century Policing. This Force seeks not only to identify ways for police departments to better themselves but also promotes increased interaction of our local police officers in our schools, businesses, communities and many other aspects of our lives. The main objective of the force is to get the public acquainted with their presence and to establish a trust connection in communities. 


While this all sounds like “sunshine and lollipops” we must consider this a step towards the integration of preparation for martial law. Considering this task force comes on the heels of Jade Helm—who’s object it is to gain public trust as well— we must consider the possibility. What are the chances that both Jade Helm, (a military training exercise) and the Presidential Task Force for the 21st Century (a police objective report) are geared at gaining the publics trust? Could there be a link between them and martial law preparation? Or am I thinking too much into it? 


Here is the breaking report…. 


Oops Leaked Info You’re Not Supposed to Know: Military Plans a Martial Law Visit to Multiple US Towns! Why? The Answer Will Make You Rethink What You Thought You Already Knew!


According to Jade Helm one of the main objectives for the Military is to: “…work with civilians to gain their trust and an understanding of the issues.” 


According to the Presidential Task Force for the 21st Century Policing Report the main objective is to promote: “Trust between law enforcement agencies and the people they protect and serve…” It further states that “People are more likely to obey the law when they believe those who are enforcing it have the right—the legitimate authority—to tell them what to do.” (page1


The report also exposes the goal of having local police highly involved in our communities, schools, businesses and lives on a daily basis, “The mission of the task force is to examine how to foster strong, collaborative relationships between local law enforcement and the communities they protect…” (page 1


These similarities are striking! And while it seems like a good thing, the question needs to be asked; why is there an uptick in readying the community to trust the military through Jade Helm and the police force through the Presidential Task Force? Do they fear something is around the corner? 


But that’s not all the Presidential Task Force Report reveals. I also found these interesting facts enclosed in the document: 


Pages 2 and 3 describe seven sessions conducted as a result of this task force that discuss a wide range of recommendations from faith leaders, law enforcement, academics, and more. It includes:  


  1. Building Trust and Legitimacy (gaining trust of community) 
  2. Policy and Oversight (policies) 
  3. Technology and Social Media (How to use technology to help police and privacy issues)  
  4. Community Policing and Crime Reduction (community policing and more trust building.)  
  5. Training and Education (Of which Jade Helm is a part of, just how to train) 
  6. Officer Safety and Wellness 
  7. Future of Community Policing (how to implement procedures) 


Some recommendations on how to implement the above polices are as follows: 


“The President create a National Crime and Justice Task Force to review and evaluate all components of the criminal justice system of rate purpose of making recommendations to the country on comprehensive criminal justice reform.” (pg. 3) It further stated the reason why was because “the justice system alone cannot solve many of the underlying conditions that give rise to crime. It will be through partnerships across sectors and at every level of government that we will find the effective and legitimate long-term solutions to ensuring public safety.”  (pg. 4) 


This clearly could indicate a future partnership of sorts between the local law enforcement, federal government, and even branches of local businesses, churches, schools, etc. The problem with this is that it could turn into a mesh pot of information gathered against each individual kicking our privacy issues out the door. Further when our local police are continually interacting through “partnerships” we are likely to see an increase in police activity in our cities. Here are a few other recommendations promoting such interactions: 


Community policing should be infused throughout the culture and organizational structure of law enforcement agencies.” (pg. 43) 


“Law enforcement agencies should develop programs that create opportunities for patrol officers to regularly interact with neighborhood residents, faith leaders, and business leaders.” (pg.46) 


Law enforcement agencies should work with schools to develop and monitor school discipline policies with input and collaboration from school personnel, students, families, and community members. These policies should prohibit the use of corporal punishment and electronic control devices.” (pg.48-49) 


“Communities and law enforcement agencies should restore and build trust between youth and police by creating programs and projects for positive, consistent, and persistent interaction between youth and police.” (pg. 50) 


“The U.S. Department of Justice should explore public-private partnership opportunities, starting by convening a meeting with local, regional, and national foundations to discuss the proposals for reform described in this report and seeking their engagement and support in advancing implementation of these recommendations.” (pg. 71) 


Am I reading to much into this? Or is there a link to be made? I guess the ultimate decision is yours. But either way, don’t say I didn’t warn you!!! 


Here is the video clip of the FEMA Camp Roundup Drill in Florida (Video by NextNewsNetwork): 



More Critical Reads You Need to Hear by Lisa Haven! Click Here! 

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For More Information See:

Task Force Stream:

Task Force Document:

Jade Helm:

1033 Program Through NDAA:

Executive Order:

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Total 35 comments
  • :idea: :arrow: THE HIGHEST #1 RANKING U.S. MILITARY COMMANDER INSIDE THE PENTAGON IS YOUR U.S. CITIZENS AND NATIONS TOP ENEMY; who is allowing and ordering ALL the military below him these illegal orders JUST LIKE FEMA! HIS NAME IS GENERAL MARTIN DEMPSEY and here is a short history of him. Now you have a name of who is actually performing all these military crimes on our soil, and to 1S1S; etc…:

    Do not be fooled but doesn’t this ALL start at the single most #1 military Dishonorable Criminal Wearing the Uniform to Give HIS Orders this down to all his troops and to the entire Military? You see, he needs to be removed as the #1 top commander, who is the very highest ranking military in uniform WHO HAS PROVEN TIME AND TIME AGAIN ON ORDERING ALL THESE ILLEGAL ORDErS for the last YEARS?! WAKE UP PEOPLE and THINK WHO REALLY IS ORDERING ALL THESE ILLEGAL MILITARY PERSONNEL, and now you know WHY! He and his other Pentagon criminal Generals and Admirals are all literally Sleeping with the Enemy in bed with 0bama and are the “KEY” to your Government control over you! Not ONE ACTION by the military can happen WITHOUT HIS DIRECT ORDER! Start spreading the truth on who really is ordering these Treasenus actions against our nation!

    Here is another story I found of great interest. Didn’t you ever wonder why none of these so called disgruntled US Generals and Admirals refuse to do one thing in their power and knowledge to stop this out of control government. They value bribe money more then honor and they refuse to get involved because the government would arrest them for all the dishonorable criminal orders/actions they did to their troops while wearing their uniform. Keep quiet or personally get exposed for the criminal actions each have taken that crossed their desks that were illegal.? Each sold their heart and soul to the devil, and now want to go to heaven, and play the innocent card to the citizens. :wink:

    Lastly, Here is a news story I found that tells everyone what to do once Martial Law starts. It made sense to me to stop the forces in each neighborhood from forming, thus giving your city back to its community. Too, anyone can do it any city from a 12 year old to 90 year old. Must read and pass this on like I did. You will be amazed how easy it will be to remove the Government control over you. Bless all of you…

    Just sharing the truth with all of you on the stories I came across…

  • :idea: Also, HE (General Dempsey) WAS HAND SELECTED/APPOINTED by your President himself into that Position, so now you know how easily your President can push around your military? People Think and read the above links to know more!

  • It all becomes clear, this is the reason Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Detective Mike Zullo, and Officer Carl Gallups couldn’t finish the official investigation into BHO, they were hand picked to lead this new force. :lol: :lol: :lol:

    • Don’t know about them at all…but the top military commander that controls and gives ALL ORDERS to the military, are always hand selected by law, by the current President. How more perfect of a set-up for him to become a Dictator.. :wink:

  • We all know Obama was cheered on by his entranced zombie supporters when he told them he planned on less Police and more of a Domestic Military …Now that alone should have thrown up red flags for us all..Just why would we eed a domestic Military that is allowed to use more Brutal force against us…I don’t worry much about Martial law but I do wonder what would be the reasoning to impose it…Obama had to have had something pre planned in order to pre plan a Domestic Military..Hell is about to be unleashed upon us and Martial law is going to be our least worries cause the reason to impose it will make martial law seem not so bad…It’s going to be protecting us against those who did not prepare…We Must be ready..and we should stock enough to be able to help more than just our own Family cause we will need to band together for protection..We are either going to see war,are money devalued maybe both of we are going to be hit by terrorist either way we need to be ready..Martial law is not what we should fear but Why !~

    • Here is the deal…… No one wanted Mitt who hated 47% of us. If our only choices were Mitt and Obama we wanted the one who hated everyone equally.

      • If Mitt hated the negro he would of put him on the roof of his car and sped off. So Mitt loved the negro enough to lose for him and let the negro spread the hatred of whitey not to 47 but 57 States!

        So your assessment is correct for once. Here, doughnut for you…..

      • NM156

        Why I thought you loved your savior ofaga? Did I miss something crowpie?

      • 57 states? Apparently, I’ve missed the expansion of the USA. It’s been a while since Grade 9 Geography, but where did the other 7 come from?

      • There are territories of the United States such as American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Navassa Island, and Palmyra Atoll. While most civilian populations cannot vote….military members on the inhabitable islands do have the right to vote in Presidential elections.

      • There are territories of the United States such as American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Navassa Island, and Palmyra Atoll. While most civilian populations cannot vote….military members on the inhabitable islands do have the right to vote in Presidential elections.

  • Hello Angle#1,

    Charlie here. I was so busy studying your right eye that I wasn’t paying attention too much to what you were saying but it looks like you evened up the left eye a bit more. Is this correct Angle#1? Whatever it is the eyes look a bit more balanced now. Did Big Sis help you out? She was suppose to be throwing the money changers out!

    Anyways, Charlie is not the least bit worried about what the negro sodomite does in office because he has no LEGAL bearings on the American people at all as a usurper and UN-Constitutional president! He has NO BUSINESS in that office! He can write with a pen and phone all the EO’s he wants but they have NO MEANING to Charlie.

    In fact obeying the negro is committing TREASON! And looks like all of America and certainly all of Congress is committing treason if they obey the foreign negro. And as far as Charlie is concerned the negro is a TWINKIE!

    I expect all my Angles to follow Charlie’s lead in ignoring the negro (since no one in authority will remove the imposter) as the proper and Constitutional thing to do for now.

    BTW, Charlie considers any EO from BO as Egregious Odor. So hold your nose.


    Charlie (Twinkie – the undoughnut!)

  • One need only question their authority.. it’s all smoke, mirrors, fraud and lies! Ask any government employee if they believe that their CONstitution and laws apply to someone just because they are physically located within what is commonly referred to as a state. they will emphatically answer yes! BUT
    Ask them what facts they rely on that proves their assertion of jurisdiction over you and they go blank,. FYI there is absolutely zero evidence that their CONstitution and laws apply to anyone! If you don’t believe it, go ask them to produce any factual, firsthand, irrefutable evidence yourself! They can’t produce a shred of evidence in support of their fairy tale! IT DOESN’T EXIST! IT NEVER HAS AND NEVER WILL!

    We’ve been lied to, very cleverly so, but lied to.. indoctrination and propaganda.. that’s it folks!

    • Why do you use their “funny” money? It is also fake and based on paper only. Oh, they mention gold and silver and economical numbers now and then to associate it with like it could have some value.

      We all love the charade. It’s human nature to lie and live the lie.

  • Hey Lisa great job keep up the fight . I have a very close friend thats has given ANP some info that I hope will attract a lot of attention and bring forward some whistleblowers as to a nerve agent antidote that is being distributed in the listed Hostile State of Texas and possible the other states listed hostile in this Jade Helm 15 drill , I think you will be alarmed as to what is going on along with the info you have been reporting , I am hopping this will be happening in the next few days as this is truly alarming to say the least. Keep firing away with all the great info.

  • Pix

    It’s not military law, the military have a code of conduct and generally have a sense of honor. Your country is recruiting civilians with very low intelligence to police you, is a sign your country is imploding under it’s own greed. I’ll agree as an adjective that ‘hell’ is about to break loose in the USA, simply because the USA has been hoisted by its own greedy petard, the dollar is dead. The central bank is finished, stop whining about it, get off your knees and fight to have control over your economy. Then you can enjoy freedom from debt slavery.

  • Haha thank you Lisa :lol:
    Always a good laugh.

  • If I told you once I told you twice, I am your nice little granny Little Red Riding Hood and I always have you best interest at heart! I Cern-tainly do!

  • So this means that the public needs to be fully stocked and locked? What are their ground rules, and how will they impact your cities? Will they act and be as responsible like the police and all the 1000s of innocent citizens they straight out execute on our streets right now. Can you imagine them having this type of power when they start to walk around with AKs to “practice” and use citizens as their targets? Anyone else see it coming?

    - What will happen if the citizens protest or tries to hold up signs to them? Will they get weapons pointed to their heads, arrested, and thrown in jail or a FEMA camp?
    - What if you as a citizen have a carry conceal and the police/military come across you? will they point their weapons at your head, force you to be arrested, and ?
    - What if a citizen is driving by and the military/police point their weapons at them and order them out of their car by force?
    - What if they come to your home with their weapons drawn and kick down doors in a real world tactic? What will you do as their neighbor?
    - What will they do if you stop and watch them in our free nation? Since they are using public property, doesn’t that give each of us the right to watch and/or film them? Like in FL, they forcibly kicked everyone away by the point of their guns and arrest if they don’t stay back? Isn’t that a crime they will be allowed to do?
    - What if you are walking and they drive and come after you with their military grade weapons pointed to your heads and force you by gun point to go with them?
    - What will we do once they gather and they “practice” at our schools, and use our children as their pawns and victims, and again point weapons at them and contain them? What if they do not let any parent come to their rescue….
    - What will we do once they overtake a town and start to place military/police on all the major intersections in each town, and act as checkpoints; all within a free nation. Seems its citizens can no longer travel freely without going threw check points. Or tanks, or eyeED proof vehicles, on our very own street corners. Who can the people go to? No one right?

    Too, they are baiting everyone because I see it that once someone holds up a sign, and like today, the government, military, and police will consider that an act of aggression and point their weapons at their heads, beat them up, arrest them, and wipe them off the face of the earth (aka FEMA camps)?

    To me, they are holding up a unlite flame threwer and baiting its citizens to confront them, so the people supply the spark to start off mayhem. Then the gov will say see, their are criminals against our nation everywhere and they are who we are after…

    People need to start to make plans and start to ask each city with the limits are on their aggression. If you don’t do it now and go threw each possible scenerio, it will be too late once they go live. Patriots must start now in each city. Remember, once the local police join their forces, it is a smart thing to know who they are, and where they live so its citizens can confront their wives and children to come to the citizens side. Also, if the police or military start anything up, knowing where they live and where their loved ones live if important because its citizens can use them for their safety. Do they really think they will be going to a peaceful home after these police/military do harm to its community? I think if they take up arms against its neighbors, it will not be safe for them ever to return home or ever see their loved ones again. They will be forced to stay 24/7 for life with their criminal gangs. But think and start to ask questions to each state, county, town, etc… Am I right or what?

  • Department of Homeland Security ~ They Fund Arm Modern Police State

  • mitch51

    As long as they wear a uniform to set them apart from the citizens who are the owners of 300,000,000 guns, LOLOLOLOL! No problems.

    • Glad you caught that too. They will NOT ALL BE IN UNIFORM! It was stated I think in the Army times article. They will “”Blend In” to see how deep they can get without being noticed”. That statement alone shows that they will NOT all be in uniform as people think… What does that tell you?

  • One psycho poster and a dozen or so idiot commenters.

    • mitch51

      A dozen and one. ^^^^^^^

  • Are the muslims responsible for 9/11, Lisa?

  • Matheytes

    Lisa, I do appreciate your efforts, but one thing has me curious. I wonder why several of your article titles express your extreme shock, fear, and disgust with the world being as described in the bible.

    Christians often beat the blind for not seeing. Some express outrage that a corrupt heart is acting…. corrupted. It’s up to Christians to pray that the blind will receive site. It’s going to get a lot worse as I realize you understand. You will struggle to find more shocking ways of titling your articles if not careful. You have influence with believers and have an opportunity to demonstrate the bold strength and courage that mark true believers. We are not shocked the world is evil, corrupt and working toward and evil end. The world system is all around us, even here in the good old US. The struggle is staying on mission with our King and handling matters as He leads.

  • Lisa
    You are correct in your assumption ……..If this Govt built a Loly Pop factory you can bet that the sweets will be laced with Poision…….

    Satan is controlling all these puppets world wide and each day the Net is being tightened around us until he controls everything…..then he will appear as our Savior…..That’s the end game …..These events are just leading to this final result!

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