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By John Ale (Reporter)
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Prophetic Warning of the AntiChrist and the Days Ahead

Wednesday, April 15, 2015 13:15
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By John Ale          

The anti-Christ is here and we are not able to recognize. In this video, Steven Ben-DeNoon is looking into the events that may very well transpire in the coming days ahead. Revelation 19:20 - And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.

“I see the Church takin into bondage by Rome – the modern day Pharoah none other than The Pope of Rome is setting task masters over the churches to bring them into line with his New World Agenda” Steven Ben-DeNoon

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Total 2 comments
  • “Every Reformer, without exception, spoke of the papacy as Antichrist” -R. Allen Anderson, Unfolding the Revelation, p.137

  • The false apostle Paul was the first of many ANTICHRISTS…..Paul the Roman…..stop feeding off his letters. THEY ARE NOT GOD’S WORD, THEY ARE PERSONAL LETTERS, THE RAVINGS OF A LUNATIC. The true apostles Peter, James and John spoke against him over and over. God had him chained up and in prison, reptilian scales fell from his eyes after he met Azazel on the road to Damascus. He was not chosen by Yeshua, if he was, he would have been sitting at His feet as opposed to the feet of Gamaliel. He is a pharisee of pharisee, the ones Yeshua hated and called them Satan’s spawn, yet every christian believer integrates his ravings into their life, making them God’s word. Repent, you are in great peril. When the books are opened it won’t be those that are ‘unsaved’ who are going to argue, it will be believers of that deceived ego maniac. He is a blasphemer and a liar. A non christian does not even know what prophesying is. Think about it peeps.

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