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U.S. destroyer passes China islands – U.S. challenges China’s territorial claims despite warning ARE YOU READY FOR WAR?

Tuesday, October 27, 2015 0:31
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(Before It's News)

 U.S. destroyer passes China islands – U.S. challenges China’s territorial claims despite warning –  Memo Posted by Dr. Turi on October 24, 2015 at 11:04pm in Cosmic Coders Only to all my VIP’s;…/november-2015-sos-to-the…
“I hope this forecast will find everyone of you safe, healthy and happy! I am sure many of you keep a steady eye on Draco Facebook page where keep the public informed with short bulletins. But be aware and prepared about this very special October 27th, Aries (war/aggression) Full Moon!” But this Full Moon impact will last for 2 full weeks, so be prepared for more dramatic war news (US/Germany/Japan/Russia/China/Middle East.)
Be warned, join the cosmic code!  share pls

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Total 3 comments
  • Pix

    It’s just America being imbeccilic as usual. Like a kid whose been told not to stick their tongue out at people, they do it to test peoples boundaries, usually ending up with a slap and a stint on the naughty step. America needs to grow up and take responsibility for it’s war provoking actions. America can’t afford to antagonise China, everything is made in China. It’ would be the American civil war on a bigger scale, the south lost because all the manufacturing was in the north.


    • Gee I did not know you were that smart Pix… But as always, like America, you missed the cosmic/warning essence of my work! What’s new :lol:

    • Really Pix? The U.S. should just kowtow to Chinas effort to annex the International waters used by the entire world for trade purposes?

      China has just made the equivalent of a toll booth in the middle of the seas…..and you think that the U.S. is being antagonistic?

      Your dope intake is too high. Cut waaaaay back.

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