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Mark Taylor: “God is Now in Control” Feb 23 2017

Tuesday, February 28, 2017 13:06
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(Before It's News)

“They will try everything to get rid of Trump but nothing will work against who God has chosen for this hour” Mark Taylor.

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Total 8 comments
  • Wow – isn’t the heretical. God is not on ANYONE’S side. Either we are for HIM or against Him. Trump is not even a believer.

    • By the way, God was in complete control when Obama was in office too.

    • b4

      more bullshit from just pee–who hates trump–blinded by the hate for trump–just pee is a agent of satan who uses hate to get satans way–trump is a scottish rite mason whose creed is guided by god,believing in liberty,freedom for all.. just pee is full of shit and is a full time liar

      • Hey – you finally got one partially right! Though I’m not a Scottish mason, I am guided by God and my belief in liberty and freedom. I am a true patriot who defies ANY ONE who comes against the God ordained law of the land – Our US constitution.

  • God is ALWAYS in control.

    • b4

      god does not want to control anything you idiot–they bible even says that you fool–says we live in a perfect world-that everything happens the way it is suppose to–you control believing morons need to go find somebody to be your daddy you immature child–that daddy will be beat you when your bad,etc..god is at the bar enjoying a cold one while the manaics like just pee fight it out to to see who gets to be in control–when you rise above being so immature trent,you will see the light that god is laughing “his” ass off at fools like you that believe god is pulling all the levers to make it happen-

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