Whenever I hear of North Korean saber rattling I am always reminded of the illuminati blueprint book, Behold a Pale Horse, that contains this little tidbit.
It states that towards the end of the period there will be a “hair raising nuclear confrontation” with North Korea that will threaten man’s survival. Here is what I have written about this in the post; North Korea and the antichrist.
I have always kept my eye on North Korea in regards to end times Bible prophecy because of what I learned about her from Cutting Edge Ministries as quoted below.
“Now, let us return to our subject of North and South Korea. On page 222-3, of his book, Lemesurier makes a very cryptic statement about Korea. “But then war will seldom be absent from the world-scene during the last twenty years of the century. There will be numerous local conflicts in the Far East, the Middle East, and Africa. A hair-raising nuclear confrontation in Korea may, towards the end of the period, threaten man’s very survival.””
The book that he is referencing is The Armageddon Script by Peter Lemesurier which is supposed to be a blueprint for what the evil ones are going to bring upon the world to produce antichrist. The page number 222 caught my eye–that is the time on the clock on the back of the hundred dollar bill which when folded looks like the aftermath of a nuclear explosion. 222 is also ciphered on the dollar bill which I detail in The Dollar Code. I just remembered–God brought to mind–that I had an occurrence with 222 and North Korea which I wrote about in The Dollar Code.
(Note: One evening while I was in my car I was praying about what I had found on the dollar bill and what it might entail for the United States. As I was driving my car odometer reached 66622.2 at that exact moment I had the radio on and was listening to Dr. Savage and his guest was talking about the North Korean nuclear threat.)
So according to their plan, if it is fulfilled, there will be a hair raising nuclear confrontation with North Korea in the future. One of the North Korean news articles above mentioned Hawaii; a few years ago on 2/20/2012 I had a dream about a tropical paradise being destroyed. As you will read below the dream may have been about Hawaii. Here is a recount of the dream.
On President’s Day, 2/20/2012, just after midnight I had what I believe to be a dream from God involving that picture. Here is how I remember it; a man came running into the room where the tropical island paradise wall mural is.
He was an average build man, with medium to light complexion and a short beard. He looked scared to death; he had a look of stark terror and fear on his face and was in a panic, but did not or could not say anything. I think I called to him a couple of times loudly and asked; “what is wrong?” He did not answer. The next thing I saw was the wall mural of the tropical island but I could not see any of the scene, it had turned a smoky–cloudy black and gray similar to what is depicted below.
Later the same night I had another dream; I remember seeing a Google Earth picture of a city and I heard “check the distance from Oklahoma City.” My response was; “Why Oklahoma City, what does that have to do with anything?” Here is the link to the original post; Dreams of a Paradise Lost.
I am not sure what event will bring the destruction I saw in my dream; I suppose it could be caused by an earthquake, volcanic eruption, meteor strike, or even a nuclear attack.
A few days after the dream a man from Oklahoma City who I had been in contact with in the past about end times Bible prophecy emailed me his picture asking if it was him in the dream, and amazingly it was!
Think about it; I have a dream about the destruction of an Island paradise involving a panicked man and OKC, and a man from OKC who I had never seen before emails me his picture, and he was the one in the dream.
Later I found out that the wall mural is an actual scene from the island of Hawaii. Thus it is possible that my dream could have been about Hawaii or it may have been about some other tropical paradise.
The distance from OKC to the Hawaiian Islands, is between about 3100 NM to 3300 NM, depending on which Island you measure to. To the middle of the big island of Hawaii is 3188.81 NM. Going the other direction toward the Caribbean, depending on where you draw the line, would be between about 1000 NM and 2500 NM. In fact there is a spot off the island of St John that runs at 111.99 degrees and is 2017 NM long.
After posting the original dream above I emailed the link to Cindy by the Sea—because I thought I remembered her talking about a dream that her daughter had of a nuclear explosion and tsunami. Here is her response.
Hi William, Thanks for writing! I think what you may be remembering is actually a dream I had regarding a nuclear explosion over Honolulu. William, my dream (I know because I recorded in a journal at the time) was in the early morning hours of Feb 20th 2008. William, Feb 20th is also the date of your dream! Any possibility, your dream has to do with Hawaii and not St. Thomas? Please check it out to see if there could be any connection. I was staggered and more than a little shaken to see that our dream dates were a match. What do you think?
Hi William, I’m not sure the link I posted on the comments section of your blog is going to work, on preview it did not highlight, anyway, I wanted you to see it – I found it be googling images – Hawaii murals as the subject – as you can see, identical to yours! Cindy
The distance from the OK EQ to about the middle of the big island is around 3222 NM. I assume you know about 322 and the skull and bones. The distance could be made to be 3220.
Also the day after the dream on our way to school my daughter saw a car with a Hawaii license plate in our neighborhood, she mentioned it to me but I did not look because I think I was thinking about the dreams. We live on the East Coast–very rare occurrence.
I find it significant that my wall mural is a picture of Hawaii; I had always wondered where it was from.
So maybe it is Hawaii and not the Virgin islands, or maybe it is both.
Also I recently watched some of the movie 2012 and they had Hawaii as being all in flame from a massive volcanic eruption.
I would be interested in hearing anymore of the details about your dream; did you see any blackish gray smoky clouds?
I received another email from Cindy, here is a portion of it.
Hi Bill, Thanks for writing back, I have a lot to share with you that I think may be helpful. First of all my dream, it came in the early morning hours of Feb 20, 2008. It was one of the most vivid dreams I have ever experienced. So, much so, that I made sure I wrote it down and dated it the next day.
In the dream, I received a phone call from a friend, who was living in Hawaii at the time but, had a Wisconsin phone number. When the phone rang, I clearly saw the caller ID light up – Wisconsin in neon blue letters. So, I knew immediately, who was calling.
When, I answered the phone, all my friend said was “doomsday” – no hello or greeting, just “doomsday”. Puzzled by this I said, “What?” He repeated it; “Doomsday, look out your window”.
So, I looked out the window from my second floor bedroom, where I could see a large mushroom cloud – the unmistakable signature of a nuclear blast forming over Honolulu. Terrified, I told him, “I want you to come here now!” Knowing even as I spoke, it would be absolutely futile for anyone to escape that cloud.”…
Another quick thought regarding the Oklahoma/Hawaii connection. The Murrah building was demolished by an explosion. So, was the USS Oklahoma at Pearl Harbor. In my humble opinion this could be the tie, you are looking for. And, if so, the implications regarding that could be huge!
Here is in interesting video describing a dream featuring a North Korean bombing of the USA. The dream also included the rapture which in the dream occurred after the sun being darkened and the moon turning to blood.