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Top Trending YouTube Gorillaz Founder Admits, “Magic & the Occult Are Part of My Life” (video)

Saturday, March 25, 2017 6:01
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(Before It's News)

Damon Albarn, creator of the viral Gorillaz virtual band, admits in an interview that magic and the occult are part of his life. In the screen shot above, he wears the 7-pointed Star of Babylon, made famous by Aleister Crowley. “So what?”, you may ask. Freedom of religion, right? 

The issue here is that this is what is currently trending at the number one spot on YouTube. The other issue is that your children are drawn into this band because it is animated. So, what kind of occult magic is Damon talking about? Most likely, Chaos Magic. Do your research into what the 7-pointed star really means before you call this a witch hunt. Watch the videos below for a full analysis of the 7-pointed star (video 1) and a full decode of the Gorillaz top trending video, Saturnz Barz (video 2).

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