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By Jeffery Pritchett
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New Wikileaks Bombshell Reveals What CIA Used to Hide Hacking (Video)

Monday, April 3, 2017 2:29
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(Before It's News)

The Daily Mail reports, WikiLeaks has published hundreds more files today which it claims show the CIA went to great lengths to disguise its own hacking attacks and point the finger at Russia, China, North Korea and Iran.

Julian Assange is an Australian computer programmer best known as the founder of the website WikiLeaks. Due to the controversial nature of the website, he is as famous as he is notorious. While his supporters hail him as a fearless campaigner for truth, his detractors accuse him of being a publicity seeker. Assange also made the headlines when it was alleged that he raped one woman and sexually molested another.

Born in Queensland, Julian Assange had an unusual childhood. His biological father had separated from his mother even before he was born and he was raised by his mother and step-father. He travelled a lot as a child and had lived at over 30 different locations by the time he was a teenager.

He became fascinated with computers as a teenager and discovered that he had an uncanny ability to hack and break into computer systems. Bright and intelligent, he enrolled at the University of Melbourne to study mathematics but dropped out without completing his degree.

Eventually he went on to pursue a career as a computer programmer and software developer and began working on the website WikiLeaks which publishes secret information and news leaks. He has had several brushes with the law due to the controversial nature of his work.

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