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California Water: Denying Scarcity, Harsh Future, $1.5M Fine

Tuesday, July 21, 2015 18:36
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(Before It's News)


California and Arizona Miscount Water Supplies, Avoiding Realities of Scarcity. Despite decades of accepted science, California and Arizona – the two states water experts say are facing the most severe water crises – continue to count and regulate groundwater and surface water as if they were entirely separate, but neither are independent supplies.


On climate, a rough road ahead for California. Nearly a decade ago, California policymakers, facing a frightening future of shriveling snow packs and rising seas, created the nation’s most aggressive program to combat global warming.


California proposes $1.5-million fine of water district for improper diversions. State regulators proposed a $1.5-million fine Monday against a Northern California irrigation district for “unauthorized diversion and use of water”—the first enforcement action of its kind.


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