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Graphene 3D Lab concludes project with Fortune 500 partner

Wednesday, April 5, 2017 3:57
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(Before It's News)

Graphene 3D Labs logoBack in December 2015, Graphene 3D Lab announced signing a research, development and royalty agreement with a Fortune 500 manufacturer (that has been included in the Fortune 500 list for over 15 years). Now, the Company declared the conclusion of this project, largely due to the fact that the Partner’s development objectives were adjusted to focus on areas that wouldn’t benefit from the expertise of the Company.

The conclusion of this agreement was decided despite the fact that Graphene 3D executed and completed all the deliverables specified in the Agreement, and as per the Agreement, the Partner will compensate Graphene 3D for all direct & indirect research & development costs incurred by the Company relating to the project.


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