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By Mikes Backyard
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How to Sharpen Pruning Shears

Monday, October 31, 2016 0:36
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These Corona pruning shears are one of my favorite tools to use all year round, and I work the heck out of them!

After a while, the blades become gunked up with sap, and nicked from cutting hard branches so it’s very important that I regularly maintain the shears so they will perform properly.

I put a little WD40 on the blade to make sure they keep working right where they hinge.oiling pruning shears

Several times a year I will come in and dress up the edge of the shears a little bit.

This part of the shear is called the bypass, I’m not going to sharpen that side but I will check it for jagged edges and make sure that the surface is smooth.bypass pruning shearsThis side of the shears has a tapered edge and that is the side we are going to sharpen.pruningWhat I use is a piece of 1×2 wood on which I have attached some emery cloth. I take the shears (the tapered side) and run them along the emery cloth (watch the video below) maintaining the same angle that is already on the blade. Run it across several times.pruning emory cloth Then I flip it around to the flat side and run it smoothly across the emery cloth to remove any burrs, making sure to keep it flat against the board.pruning flatOnce I’ve done that I run my fingernail across to make sure I didn’t miss anything.

Now my shears are ready for more abuse from me!


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