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U.S. Mint Runs Out of Silver Bullion Coins

Monday, July 13, 2015 5:38
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(Before It's News)

As silver prices stagnate, some bullish investors are using unconventional methods to get their hands on the precious metal. Rather than buying mining stocks or exchange traded funds (ETFs), many are hording American Eagle silver bullion coins from the U.S. Mint. (Source: MarketWatch, July 8, 2015.)

The Mint describes the coins as “affordable investments, beautiful collectibles, thoughtful gifts and memorable incentives or rewards.” They are composed of one troy ounce of 99.9% pure silver. Investors can be assured of the coins’ weight and purity as both are verified by the U.S. government. (Source: US Mint, July 9, 2015.)

Silver prices dropped more than five percent on Tuesday July 7th, before recovering on Wednesday and Thursday. Overall, silver prices are in decline—down 16% from the January high of $18.28. (Source: The Wall Street Journal, July 9, 2015.)

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