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Mammoth Celestial Object: Sky Anomalies, Planet X Dark Star Imaged From Alaska, March 31, 2017

Friday, March 31, 2017 17:25
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All around the world, on webcams from Alaska to the Austrian Alps, you find chemtrails. People the skies are under attack. The sheer scale of the operation is monumental. They kust have hundreds of secret-aircraft spraying the sunrise and sunset, when a celestial object is most apparent. It is there, wherever you can get passed the chemical cloud layers and conviently malfunctioning webcams like this one in Australia. We don’t get to see what happened in the sky during the day, not if it’s clear and sunny!

Despite it all, with a bit of perseverance one can find anomalies on pretty much any camera that captures the sun over the course of a few hours. One can also find evidence of technology in orbit, meant to block our view of a mammoth celestial body in the inner solar system. Hold on tight people, and dammit, get prepared while you can!

Here are a few choice images from Alaska that are sure to get you thinking…

In the image below, notice the strange texture of the object. Could this be an image of an artificial sun or optical technology in orbit, or is it a strange celestial intruder?

 Close up. Kinda makes you wonder.

They are chemtrailing the hell out of the skies of Alaska. Here is a chemtrail going right over top of the object in question. Defintely isn’t any sort of lens flare that I have ever seen…

A cloud over the object, which is no easily seen in the sky

See it now? 

Is this evidence of technology being used in orbit? Certtainly appears so, doesn’t. What could break the sun’s rays like that, if not some sort of artifical object?

The image below is from Mexico and is interesting because the objects to the left of the sun, and the black dot in front of it. Check out the reflections on the water!

Get ready while you can. The world may be stranger than any of us can contemplate.

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Total 3 comments
  • Alaska is an unlikely place to spot Nemesis and members of its constellation, as it is coming up from the South.

  • What a bunch of fakey crap. :twisted:

    • But don’t tell my heart
      My fakey breaky fart
      I just don’t think he’d understand
      And if you tell my heart
      My fakey breaky fart :mrgreen:

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