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Baltimore Rising

Saturday, May 23, 2015 17:06
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It is our pleasure and privilege  to form an alliance with Rod Ecckles,  know as the  ’Coolest, most politically incorrect, conservative black man on the planet”  and his agent Laura Stietz.  We are showcasing his articles and featuring his  exclusive guests appearances on our sister radio program,  In addition, Yoda and Backpack our included in the lineup of Rod’s Eccles Radio Show.
‘Rod tells it like it is’  Said Backpack, Editor-at-large of this magazine, The Magnified View
Janorama Founding Editor-in-Chief, Magnified View

By Rod Eccles

Over the past weeks, I have watched with amazement, wonderment, awe and shock as the funeral of one ratExtra - Daily Newsher dubious Mr. Gray resulted in the riots, burning, and pillaging of Baltimore, MD.

I was in greater amazement, by the statements of that great American city’s Mayor. I won’t go into detail about what she said but I will paraphrase her in accuracy.  She gave the rioters room to destroy and pillage.  She is on record, on tape and  on video as saying such.  Even as she later denied having said such a thing, it is without question that even the greatest of ultra left wing nuts could not deny.

What is it with some citizens that they feel justified in releasing their supposed anger by destroying private and public property?  How is it they feel they are fully justified in their rampage, their overt aggressive anger?  Simply put –  Liberalism.

You see, they haveRefuse to be a Victim been told by the left for over 50 years that “the man” has kept them down.  Kept them poor.  Kept them destitute of all sense of worth and ability.  That “man”, as it were, is none other than those with whom they feel an affinity.  That “man”, as it were, who deftly parlayed a simple statement “war on poverty”, to full fledged slavery.  Yes, I said slavery.

It’s a simple word that means a lot. And African Americans have bought into it, hook, line, and sinker. They bought the lie so much, so well, and internalized it so deeply that when they are faced with their oppressor, they act out by destroying their own neighborhoods. Neighborhoods in which their own family, friends and co-workers own businesses, property, homes, lives.

It means nothing to them once the evil that is called rage takes hold in their hearts and minds. Indeed, it consumes them down to their very core. I say that rage is due to the fact that they realize that they have been duped. Yet they cannot admit they have been duped by “the man” who is the left in this counThe Liberal Mediatry. The left tells African Americans that it is the right that oppresses them. Keeps them down. Robs them of the very dignity that was once the hallmark of the African American community. For those who would argue against my statement, I say, tell me what was the African American community like before the liberals decided to “help”?

It was a proud, clean and, bright community. Even though before Civil Rights, we were treated like second class citizens. We were treated like dogs. Less than dogs. Our lives were worth less than dogs. And all of that was the direct result of the left. History cannot lie and it is still fresh.

Yet those same leftist liberals were able to dupe an entire ethnic group of people into believing they were their deliverer. Their savior. And with Today We Marchthat, over the last 50 years, we saw a progressive destruction of the Black family, the Black pride, the Black community, the Black pride.

The left passes law after law. They instituted policy after policy that has left the Black community in shambles. The Black family is now virtually nonexistent. We see many of our men under the age of 30 dead or in jail. It was all by design. But the architect of this grand design was not a member of the right or conservative line. No. This was all ushered in by those on the left, of the liberal bent.

Blacks look for someone to blame other than themselves for the mess and sorrow and grief and poverty that infects our community. But they cannot yet bring themselves to blame those who are truly responsible. So instead they create a demon. That demon often are the very agents the left gave rise and power to. Our nation’s poDe-Policinglice.

Now to be fair, in most cases, it is not the fault of the police. Their job, their duty, is to enforce and uphold the law. The very law that the left have passed and instituted. In other words, the police are sworn to uphold the laws that cause the death of the black male at an early age, keep people in poverty, and show them on a daily basis that there is no hope at all. The laws put into action by the left. Yes, the left who said it was the right who is responsible for their plight.

So when they find that it is the left that is responsible, they find it hard to accept and swallow. So they do what humans have done since the dawn of civilization. They act out. They act out violently.

They see that great cities like Detroit, which have been ruled with an iron fist by the liberal left fNewsweek Coveror decades are in total ruin. But they have been conditioned to think that it is the fault of “the man”. That “man” is always on the right. Never the left. Blacks may say, through Black leaders who have not earned the respect of their community but have taken it, that it is still the fault of the right even though they have lived their entire life under the rule, under the thumb of the left.

So when you cannot fight a phantom, when you cannot accept that you have been duped, hoodwinked, lied to, you act out. Violently. This is human nature.

So when we look at the events in Baltimore, we should not say these people are thugs. We should say that these people do not know where to turn because they have been lead down a path of self-destruction by those in whom they totally trusted. We should not pity them either. We should stand firm and shout, it was not the right who did this to you. It was the left and we have history to back it up. Education is our greatest weapon against oppression and lies. It always has been and always will be. Which is why the left has taken control of the educational system all over the nation. By spreading their lies and by covering up their guilt, they keep those who they wish to be enslaved on the plantation. So, if you do not want another Baltimore, another Los Angeles, and if you don’t want another innocent police officer demeaned, degraded, defamed, and belittled then you need to demand as well as act to take back our educational system and continue to teach the truth. Teach history. Teach fact.

But please do not denigrate those who are ignorant of the truth. It only serves to cement their false beliDe-Policing-1ef that the right is the monster in which they fight. Give them, instead, their true oppressor. Their true slave master. And when you have taught them well and true, watch as they do what slaves have done throughout history. Watch as they rise up and turn their anger to those who truly deserve it. Remember. Please remember. If nothing else, remember. Liberalism in this form is not a mental disorder. It is sinister, it is evil in its core. It is formed in the pits of hell itself and dispersed by the great Satan of lies and deceit. After all, we on the right know that liberals are the masters of deceit.

Remember that.

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