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For Immediate Release
Unless or until President Elect Trump completes yet another complete turn around, we can all rest assured that his policies will be the same as the Marxist Obama, and his Predecessors.
The complete destruction of America by the crime families of the Clintons and Bushes etc. will continue with the newest liar in thief.
The corporation of the USA has another two faced puppet, that is controlled by the same demonic great whore system.
The wicked and destructive power of the shadow government, will maintain the status quo. The sheeple have been fooled once again, thinking surely this time around real change will occur.
By the way, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again while expecting different results.
In this last election, the words of change that millions gravitated towards were found in Trump. Few before him dared to speak of any of the real dangers we as a nation faced.
Trump spoke of the massive debt (owed to the criminal cartel of banking whores) we as a nation were saddled with, huge unemployment numbers and a broken and dying medical system.
The crimes of the Clinton foundation were alluded to, and he even told America on live T.V. that a special prosecutor would be brought forth so that Hillary, (who is a truly vile and wretched human being) would be charged for her crimes.
Many of the real truth seekers knew only too well that all that was promised was not to come to fruition.
Here are a few facts to consider before this latest two faced liar and con man is even sworn in as President:
1-Hillary has all but been pardoned by this newly elected American Traitor.
2-In the debates he correctly stated that Hilary who had” tremendous hate in her heart,” was “the devil,” but on CBS 60 minutes Trump’s tune suddenly changed
3-“Hillary called and it was a lovely call,” said Trump “She couldn’t have been nicer. She just said, ‘congratulations, Donald. Well done.”
4-Trump then said, “I want to thank you very much, you were a great competitor,” he went on to say “She is very strong. And very smart.”
5-Trump is set to revive in a big way the very same monsters he claimed to be opposed to.
6-Expect no real immigration reform, no wall on the Mexican border, no repeal of the sick joke known as (Obama-we-could-care-less), and no solutions to the growing trade deficit or national debt.
So the endless wars of aggression against any that stand in the way of this satanic pedophile obsessed narcissistic cabal, will continue unchecked until they are all taken out by the final Beast System that will usher in the Great Tribulation.
Fast forward just a few months later and lets see if Trump is indeed draining the swamp shall we?
Trump is in bed with Goldman Sachs one of the founding members and principal shareholders of the wicked federal reserve Cartel.
Lets have a peek and see what they are up to these days. by Tyler Durden portion of article
Last year Goldman Sachs entered into a settlement with federal and state governments over its role in packaging and selling toxic mortgage-backed securities in the housing meltdown to unsuspecting buyers while subsequently turning around and shorting those very same securities. As part of the settlement, Goldman agreed to provide $1.8 billion in homeowner debt relief to delinquent U.S. borrowers.
The only problem with the settlement is that Goldman doesn’t actually own any mortgage debt, they prefer to package it up into pretty little bundles, slap a AAA rating on it and sell it to pension funds for a fee instead.
Of course, that’s not a problem for Wall Street’s vampire squid because they’ve found a whole other way to satisfy the entire $1.8 billion settlement without funding a single penny of that obligation in cash, in fact, they’re making money on the scheme.
So, how does it work? Well, the first step is to buy up billions of dollars worth of non-performing loans (NPLs) at massive discounts of up to 50 cents on the dollar. Then, you negotiate mortgage modifications with borrowers that reduces their principle balance, of course by less than Goldman’s initial discount on the original purchase, and allows them to start making payments again. That principle foregiveness then gets counted towards Goldman’s $1.8 billion mortgage relief obligation even though it actually cost them absolutely nothing because they acquired the debt at an even larger discount. Finally, and this is the real beauty of the scheme, when the loans are performing again they can be packaged up and resold as AAA paper once again…
Here’s a quick example of how it might work on an individual mortgage:
Lets assume a borrow has a $200,000 mortgage outstanding but isn’t making payments. Goldman then comes along and buys that mortgage for $100,000 from Fannie Mae. Goldman then goes to the borrower and offers to reduce his mortgage balance to $150,000 if, in return, he’ll agree to start making payments again. That $50,000 debt reduction then gets applied to Goldman’s $1.8 billion settlement obligation. And the coup de gras, once the loan is performing again, Goldman can sell it for $150,000, thus pocketing a $50,000 cash profit plus settling $50,000 of their obligation to various government entities.
Over the past year-and-a-half, the Wall Street giant has become the largest buyer of severely delinquent home loans from mortgage giant Fannie Mae. The firm has acquired nearly two-thirds of $9.6 billion in loans the agency has auctioned, representing unpaid loan balances of $5.7 billion, a Wall Street Journal review of government records shows.
In all, Goldman has spent roughly $4.5 billion on some 26,000 Fannie-owned loans, according to the government records. It has also been buying mortgages, in smaller size, from private sellers and Freddie Mac, Fannie’s sibling, according to county records, government filings and traders.
On Tuesday Goldman won the majority of loans at Fannie’s latest auction, its largest to date. The bank bought about 8,000 loans with unpaid balances of $1.4 billion.
Goldman has paid between 50 and 90 cents on the dollar for the loans, according to Fannie Mae records.
Meanwhile, because Goldman is getting credit toward fulfilling the terms of its settlement, it can afford to pay more for delinquent loans than other competing bidders, which essentially means they’ve cornered an entire market.
Just another beautiful Obama-era ‘deal’ for U.S. taxpayers…Obama gets to publicly take credit for ‘punishing’ the evil vampire squid of wall street all while privately tossing them a sweetheart deal…seems that Hillary isn’t the only politician with conflicting ‘public’ and ‘private’ positions on key issues.
Yes the Global Criminal Cabal is as powerful as ever, maybe even more so. The same puppet masters (Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Soros, Goldman-Sachs and Israeli Zionists) are pulling the same strings.
Our so-called civilization is largely populated by non thinking slaves. To be honest they do think, but more often than naught, they group-think according to the plan laid out for them.
They have been programmed and brainwashed through television, governments, central bankers, and most learning institutions. This dumbing down, also occurs as a result of the spirit of this world infiltrating the majority of so-called Christian churches.
Group-think is completely irrational albeit a popular alternative mindset that does provide the deluded person with a false sense of security and community. However it leads to dysfunctional life decisions, as opposing viewpoints are suppressed at all costs. This mental dysfunction is carried out in order to try and justify a desired set of beliefs, no matter how ungrounded they may be.
These groups then are controlled by a demonic elite class. Incredibly many of the lies of the narcissistic psychopaths in most governing positions are accepted as the truth.
Wrong is perceived as right in a world gone mad.
The present Spiritual and Moral condition of the earth is dismal at best. Far too many people walk in darkness while pretending to be in the light. They do not care to know the true state of affairs and basically see what they want to see.
When the majority of your time, treasures and talents are invested in this present evil world, it is impossible to say that you live for Christ. You can’t claim to want to be delivered from evil, while participating in self delusion in order to protect and justify your own selfish desires, which is evil.
Below is an incomplete but still rather disturbing list of the wickedness that so often is ignored as a result of a carnal mind which is enmity against God.
Sex trafficking, pedophilia and other heinous satanic crimes against humanity are all but ignored by an apathetic world of self righteous and self absorbed pleasure seekers.
Wars are controlled by a handful of demonic elites for their own personal gain, at the expense of the rest of this planet, and yet people support the military even though millions are murdered and tortured in the name of freedom, democracy and truth.
If you are too fearful to engage in individual thought, and you tolerate and applaud a terrorist regime, in order to maintain a materialistic life style at the expense of others, you are apathetic towards iniquity. There will be a steep price to pay for this indifference.
Our food and water supplies are poisoned with deadly additives, pesticides, radiation, chemical contamination and neurotoxins. When you are oblivious to the intentional destruction of this planet, you do not discern the Sign of The Times.
Our currency is fictitious without any real store of value and is diluted to the point that it will soon completely collapse, and become worth less. When you believe your stocks, bonds and bank account balances represent real wealth, you do not discern the Sign of The Times.
When you ignorantly accept a medical system that robs you, while it is killing you, you do not discern the Sign of The Times.
Our medical system kills thousands and maims countless more with deadly drugs. The pharmaceutical whores even tell the users of the life threatening possible side effects including death, and yet their products still are taken by countless thousands.
Jesus declared that the scribes and Pharisees, not only would not enter the kingdom themselves, but all that followed their wicked doctrines would be dammed as well.
The Judgment of the Great Whore will occur because this same spiritual phenomenon still exists today. People still accept these seducing spirits and doctrines of devils; they nor their teachers will enter the kingdom.