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Here is a listing of events in London plus a few in other parts of southern England over the next 10 days or so that could be of interest to pagans. If you know of an event that you want listed, please email the details to me at [email protected].
Now -31 March; Practising Apart Together online events run by Kitchen Witch School of Natural Witchery. These events will run throughout the month of March and you can join in wherever you are as they are online. They are led by Starlitenergies with Kitchen Witch Hearth Guardians and other elders of the craft. Details:
Now-Friday 31 March; Exhibition – The Four Elements in the Human Body by the Visual Arts and Sculpure Students of Emerson College. Venue: Rudolf Steiner House, 35, Park Road, London, NW1 6XT.
Thursday 30 March; Meetup with Anthony Peake, Dr. Michael Arnheim and Sushma Sahajpal on Pandeism. Venue: Watkins Books, 19-21 Cecil Court, London WC2N 4EZ. Time: 6.30pm. Free event. For more details Tel 020 7836 2182 or visit the website
Thursday 30 March; Divine I AM Activation: Ancestral Healing (Power) workshop with Vaz Sriharan at the London College of Spirituality. Venue: Columbia Hotel, 95-99 Lancaster Gate, London W2 3NY. Time: 7pm. Tickets £33/£35.
Thursday 30 March; The Druid Order Open Meeting. Venue: Treadwells, 33 Store Street, Bloomsbury, London WC1E 7BS. Time: 7.30pm. Entry £5.
Thursday 30 March; Everything You Know About Science is Wrong – talk at London Fortean Society by Scott Wood, author of London Urban Legends. Venue: The Bell, 50 Middlesex Street, London, E1 7EX. Tickets £4/£2 plus online booking fee. Time: 7.45pm. Bookings: Details:
Friday 31 March; The Magic of Mindfulness Breathing with Rose Elliot Venue: College of Psychic Studies, 16 Queensberry Place, London SW7 2EB. Time: 7pm. Cost: £14/£18. Advance booking recommended. For details call: 020 7589 3292 or visit
Friday 31 March; A Journey Through the Twelve Senses. Talk by John Dalton. Venue: Rilko (Research Into Lost Knowledge). Public lecture. Venue: Rudolf Steiner House, 35, Park Road, London, NW1 6XT. Time: 6.45pm, lecture starts 7.15pm. Entrance: £8/£10.
Friday 31 March; Alexandrian Witchcraft Soirée at London venue (details given to those who have reserved a place). Time: 7.30pm. Details:
Saturday 1 April; Deception Day: Hoaxes, Lies and Fake News. Day of talks by various speakers at The London Fortean Society. Venue: Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL. Tickets £20 plus online booking fee. Time: 10am – 5.30pm (Registration from 9.30am). Bookings: Details:
Saturday 1 April; The Game of Saturn – Book Launch with Peter Mark Adams and Scarlet Imprint. Venue: Treadwells, 33 Store Street, Bloomsbury, London WC1E 7BS. Time: 7pm start. Ticket price Price: £66 – it includes author talk, signing and social, and a copy of the book on the night. (Free if you have already ordered your book via Scarlet Imprint). Tel: 0207 419 8507 or email: [email protected]
Sunday 2 April; Meditation at Russell Brands Trew Era Cafe, 30 Whitmore Road, London N1 5QA. Starts 10.15am. Free event. Details:
Sunday 2 April; Herbal Magic with Macbeth’s Witches. Afternoon Workshop with Trefor Wickens. Venue: Treadwells, 33 Store Street, Bloomsbury, London WC1E 7BS. Time: 1pm – 5.30pm. Ticket price £40. Tel: 0207 419 8507 or email: [email protected]
Sunday 2 April; Ageless Wisdom for Everyone – Talk about Theosophy. Venue: The Theosophical Society, 50 Gloucester Place London, W1U 8EA. Time: 2pm. Details:
Sunday 2 April; The Thin Veil of London. Two-hour walk around Holborn and Bloomsbury, interwoven with mysteries from the stories of Arthur Machen, with Minimum Labyrinth. Tickets: £17.50 (£12.50 concessions). Time: 4pm-6.30pm. Details and booking:
Monday 3 April; A Thelemic Rite: Liber Reguli (Liber V) Evening Mini-Workshop with Luke Fleming. Venue: Treadwells, 33 Store Street, Bloomsbury, London WC1E 7BS. Time: 7pm. Ticket price £20. Tel: 0207 419 8507 or email: [email protected]
Monday 3 April; After Auschwitz: How can we bring more peace into the world today? Talk by Eva Schlossorganised by Alternatives. Venue: St James’s Church, 197 Piccadilly, W1J 9LL, Doors open 6.30pm. Event starts: 7pm. Tickets £8/£12 online. For more details and to book tickets
Monday 3 April; Moonlight Goddess Gathering – monthly event organised by Anoushka through Funzing. Venue: Clifton Gardens, London, W9 1DT. Time: 7.15pm. Tickets: £20. Details and bookings:
Tuesday 4 April; A Society Séance With Philipp Oberlohr – An Interactive Illusion and Victorian-era Cocktails. Event by The Last Tuesday Society. Venue: Viktor Wynd’s Museum of Curiosities, 11 Mare Street, London E8 4RP. Time: 6pm. Tickets £20.
Tuesday 4 April; Effective Spell: Chaos Magic and Hypnosis for Results. First class in an intensive Four-week Course with Mark Vincent. Venue: Treadwells, 33 Store Street, Bloomsbury, London WC1E 7BS. Time: 6.45pm. Deposit for entire course £80, full price £140. Tel: 0207 419 8507 or email: [email protected]
Tuesday 4 April; Healing Energy Workshop: Connecting to Your Soul with the Sensing Energy and Intuition Development. Venue: St Stephen’s Church Hall, 48 Emperor’s Gate, London SW7 4HJ. Time: 7pm. Price: £15 – pay online.
Tuesday 4 April; Enfield Town Circle Pagan Moot. Venue: Crown and Horseshoes pub, 15 Horseshoe Lane, Enfield, Middlesex EN2 6PZ. Time: 7.30pm. For more details join the Facebook group:
Tuesday 4 April Guy Lown talking about Runes; Their History and Use at Romford Moot hosted by Mamma Moon Magick. Venue: The Golden Lion, 2 High Street, Romford RM1 1HR. Entry £4. Time: 7.30pm. Details:
Tuesday 4 April; Discussion about protection in magic at Witches’ Inn Gathering. Venue: Red Lion, 48 Linkfield Lane, Redhill, RH1 1DP. Starts at 8pm. Moots are the first Tuesday of each month. For more details visit:
Wednesday 5 April; Stillness and Meditation at Mandeville Place. Venue: School of Economic Science, 11-13 Mandeville Place, London. Free lunchtime event starting 1pm.
Wednesday 5 April; Let’s Meditate – group meditation. Venue: Buddha on a Bicycle, Covent Garden, London. Starts 6pm. Donations of £3 recommended. Details:
Thursday 6 April – 11 April; The River Gods of London. Storytelling for Families at the Museum of London. Venue: Museum of London, 150 London Wall, London EC2Y 5HN. Time: Several sessions in the afternoon. Details:
Thursday 6 April; Private view for Arcana: An Exhibition of Tarot – a not-for-profit show featuring performances, installations and paintings responding to and reimagining the tarot. Venue: The Crypt Gallery, Euston Road, London, NW1 2BA. Time: 6-9pm. The event is being financed through kickstarter. Details:
Thursday 6 April; Philippa Lubbock and talk about Life Alignment. Venue: Watkins Books, 19-21 Cecil Court, London WC2N 4EZ. Time: 6.30pm. Free event. For more details Tel 020 7836 2182 or visit the website
Thursday 6 April; Meeting the Goddess Aphrodite Talk and Short Rite – Dr Amanda Potter. Venue: Treadwells, 33 Store Street, Bloomsbury, London WC1E 7BS. Time: 7.30pm. Ticket price £8. Tel: 0207 419 8507 or email: [email protected]
Thursday 6 April; Witchcraft of Enchantment for the Solitary Witch Moon One. First in a series of classes on solitary witchcraft. London venue, details tba. Time: 7.30pm. Details and reservations:
Thursday 6 April – Monday 10 April; General opening Arcana: An Exhibition of Tarot – a not-for-profit show featuring performances, installations and paintings responding to and reimagining the tarot. Venue: The Crypt Gallery, Euston Road, London, NW1 2BA. Time: 11am-4pm. The event is being financed through kickstarter. Details: More details on Facebook:
Friday 7 April; Open Evening at the College of Psychic Studies, 16 Queensberry Place, London SW7 2EB. Time: 4.30pm-9pm. Cost: £25. Advance booking recommended. For details call: 020 7589 3292 or visit
Friday 7 April; An Interpretation of a Neolithic Dwelling. Nicholas Cope speaking on the subject of his book, The Knap of Howar and the Origins of Geometry. Earthstars Group Meeting. Venue: Rudolf Steiner House, 35 Park Rd, London NW1 6XT. Time: doors open 7pm.
Friday 7 April; Ghosts of Tantra Past Tantra History Lecture I with Phil Hine. Venue: Treadwells, 33 Store Street, Bloomsbury, London WC1E 7BS. Time: 7.30pm. Ticket price £8. Tel: 0207 419 8507 or email: [email protected]
Saturday 8 April; Introduction to Mystical Qabalah. Workshop with David Wells organised by Alternatives. Venue: Heythrop College, 23 Kensington Square, London W8 5HN. Time: 10.30am-5pm. Tickets £65/£50 online. For more details and to book tickets
Saturday 8 April; Wicca workshop: Candles, Cords and Rune Magic: Spellcraft workshop in Wimbledon woods. Outdoor training with London Woodland Witches Magicians and Outdoor Pagans. Venue: Outdoor location at Wimbledon. Meet at Wimbledon Windmill Museum, Windmill Road, Wimbledon Common, SW19 5NR at 11.30am to walk to the site. Cost £9. You must be a member of this group and reserve a place in advance. Wear outdoor clothes and bring food and drink to share. Details and bookings:
Saturday 8 April; Prophets, Visionaries and Power. Day of talks, part of a year-long festival called Belief and Beyond Belief about what it means to be human. Venue: Southbank Centre, Belvedere Road, London SE1 8XX. Saturday £1/£7.505. More details and booking:
Saturday 8 April; Candle Magic Afternoon Workshop – I am running another session of my candle magic workshops based on my book Pagan Portals – Candle Magic. Venue: Treadwell’s Bookshop, 33 Store Street, Bloomsbury London, WC1E 7BS. Time: 1pm to 3.15pm. Cost: £20 per person. You can book online at or reserve a place by calling 020 7419 8507, emailing [email protected] or visiting the shop.
Note: I do not organise any of these events except my candle magic workshop. Although I try to make sure the details on my listing are accurate, I do not always know about late changes or ticket availability etc. Please contact the organiser before attending any event. If you want an event listed on my blog, or spot anything that needs changing, please email [email protected].
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