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Visions of the Peasantry

Friday, March 17, 2017 13:02
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While perusing The Encyclopedia of Religious Phenomenaby J. Gordon Melton [Visible Ink Press, Canton, MI., 2008] I refreshed my information of the many Marian apparitions (alleged visions of Mary, the mother of Jesus/Christ) reported by members of the peasant class: Lourdes, Fatima, Medjucorje, Our Lady Mediatrix in the Philippines, Our Lady of Kevelaer in Germany, Our Lady of the Roses in Queens, New York, La Salette in France, et al.
That those in the lower economic class, many uneducated, had visions of The Virgin Mary, is the underlying status of such sightings, such experiences.
This has also been the case with visions of UFOs (flying saucers) and especially those UFO reports indicating UFO encounters with beings (or creatures).
While the avid interest of UFOs has been exacerbated by some highly educated men and women (those with a higher than usual education) who’ve acted as researchers, of a kind, the vast contingent of UFO buffs come from the little educated, particularly in the humanities, and surely those in the middle economic or lower economic classes.
Does this tell us something about the workings of the mind, or the access of a force or forces (such as Caravaca’s “external agent” or Vallee’s non-human, psychical manipulator)?
Or do the lower classes, uneducated and intellectually impoverished, have uninhibited consciousnesses, open minds of some sort that others on a higher mental level don’t have?
UFO skeptics close their minds to the obvious, that UFOs exist and are seen by normal people, persons lacking in wealth or high education, but otherwise normal.
My contact with UFO buffs and those who think they’ve seen a UFO, including myself, show them to be, either gullible or highly impressionable, quick to visualize “things” that may be categorized as elements of the paranormal: UFOs, ghosts, fairies, elves, sea monsters, Big Foot, and other queer or unusual apparitions, the Mother of Jesus among them.
Are those who pursue the visualizations of this underclass of individuals just as intellectually or economically impoverished?
That is, do the “creatures from the id” sneak into the minds (the consciousness) of peasants more readily than they do with persons who have more relevant, more “important” things to contend with in their lives?
Is this the source of UFOs? The UFO reality?
RR – The UFO Iconoclast(s)


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