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MTG Intro Classes Being Offered at the ISRA Range

Tuesday, April 11, 2017 9:17
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Defensive Handgun Class
Defensive Handgun Class
Illinois State Rifle Association
Illinois State Rifle Association

USA -( The following classes are being offered at our ISRA Range. Please see contact information below.

MTG Intro to Defensive Pistol – June 24, 2017 – 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.:

This intensive one-day program introduces the new or novice shooter to combat handgun training. Included in the program are firearms safety issues, marksmanship basics, various shooting positions, speed reloads, drawing from a holster, and more.

This is designed for the shooter who has never had formal firearms training or would like to review the fundamentals. Emphasis is placed on trigger control, sight alignment, accuracy, and safety. 300 rounds.

Cost is $150. No prerequisite required.

MTG Low Light/Flashlight Handgun Skills (Night Shoot) – June 24, 2017 – 6 p.m. – 10 p.m.:

Own the Night!! Most defensive shootings take place in low-light, or no light. This is an opportunity to train for the real world. There are a number of circumstances where we may find ourselves in a dimly lit environment.

The MTG Night Shoot provides the training and techniques needed to react under these adverse conditions. Students will learn and drill on a variety of modern flashlight techniques, studying the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Also included in the program are sighted methods in varying lighting conditions such as ambient light, backlit targets, front-lit targets, and intermittent light. This is an advanced course teaching advanced skills.

Students should have prior formal training and be well grounded in safety and range procedure. 300 rounds required. Cost is $150.

Mastering the Revolver – June 25, 2017 – 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.:

Run a revolver as fast as any semi-auto. Learn the secrets of fast, smooth manipulation of a double action trigger pull and quick reloads. Whether the revolver is your main defense gun or the backup in your pocket, these skills are essential.

Mastering the Revolver is for all those interested in a return to traditional values. This one-day class is designed to teach the budding wheel-gunner several techniques that maximize the revolver’s potential. A strong revolver shooter becomes a better semi-auto shooter. This is a class that improves your trigger control and recoil management regardless of the type of gun you generally use.

If you have a revolver as a back-up gun this is a “must have class”. An essential class for instructors who may have revolver shooters in their courses. Learn at least five different reloading methods and why the revolver is still the weapon of choice from behind cover.

Subtle nuances and the lost secrets of running the revolver at hyper-speed are all explored. Students will need a quality revolver, holster, at least three speed loaders, and 500 rounds.

Cost is $150. No prerequisite required.

Contact: Andy Kemp at or [email protected] or phone 208.771.3413.

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