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SCTP and Winchester Continue Relationship in 2017

Tuesday, April 11, 2017 14:25
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300 Winchester Magnum
300 Winchester Magnum

USA -( Winchester recently announced its continued sponsorship and support of the Scholastic Clay Target Program (SCTP) through 2017.

“Winchester is committed to the shooting sports and the mission of SCTP,” said Matt Campbell, vice president of sales and marketing for Winchester Ammunition. “It’s exciting to see so many kids involved in shooting sports activities around the country.”

Winchester will support the SCTP with a significant ammunition donation, coming in as a Bronze Level Sponsor. Not only will Winchester support SCTP with ammunition, it will also contribute a $1,000 Winchester Scholarship, awarded to a deserving athlete.

“We really appreciate Winchester’s level of support for the SCTP, its teams and athletes,” said Tom Wondrash, SCTP’s national director. “Winchester continues to be more heavily involved and supportive year after year. It is the reason we are able to do what we do! We look forward to a great relationship for years to come!”

If you are interested in donating to or sponsoring our nationally recognized youth development and shooting program, please contact SCTP National Director Tom Wondrash at [email protected].

About Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation:

The Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation (SSSF) is 501(c)(3) public charity responsible for all aspects of the Scholastic Clay Target Program (SCTP) and Scholastic Action Shooting Program (SASP) across the United States. SCTP and SASP are youth development programs in which adult coaches and other volunteers use shooting sports to teach and to demonstrate sportsmanship, responsibility, honesty, ethics, integrity, teamwork, and other positive life skills. SCTP was developed as a program of the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) until the SSSF was created in 2007 to operate the SCTP. In 2012, SSSF created the SASP and became the managing foundation of both programs.

For more information about SSSF, visit their website.

This post SCTP and Winchester Continue Relationship in 2017 appeared first on Shooting Sports News .

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