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By John Rolls (Reporter)
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Wait Till You Read This

Thursday, October 13, 2016 7:44
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(Before It's News)


From Cam


Now, are you starting to understand what is going on.

Border guards found 52 tons of guns and ammunition in 14 Conex containers disguised as “furniture” for Muslim immigrants.  




Yeah, keep letting them into our country!!!

If this doesn’t convince you that this IMMIGRATION is nothing less than an ARMED INVASION then nothing will.

Wonder still why all those young (military age) men without children or wives are taking on the task of traveling all those miles posing as refugees?

Most western nation Main Stream media won’t cover this …

So please share

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Total 21 comments
  • YUP !!! The “Pretender And Cheat” old BO Crock Who’s INSANE O’Mamba (the Traitor Ass SNAKE In The Grass) has BIG plans for the American public SOON and so do all of his nests of real Vipers (his Wahabi Muslim “Refugee” Buddies) ! Best to stay “Locked and Loaded” and READY (just “In Case”) at this point !!!

    • I don’t disagree that we have major security issues in the USA regarding immigration, especially immigration from Middle eastern Countries, but if you look at the pictures closely you can see that they are not taken in the USA. The red car with the long license plate is a dead give away. And who is the OEA? I have never heard of them here in the USA. I can’t find anything online in regards to the OEA. Maybe this shipment was seized in Europe?

      • b4

        it was in Greece–and was confirmed it was furniture destined for muslim “families”

        • b4

          furniture boxes! with guns,ammo inside!

          • I kind of thought this might have happened in Greece. Good on the Greeks! At least they stopped and seized the shipment which is more the I can say for the US. Of course our Government has already purchased plenty of weapons and ammunition to kill every American at least ten times over.

  • Man

    how do you know it is for muslims?

    • Like I’ve said before about you a number of times “Man” you’re either a complete idiot or a Shill and a Troll !!! My guess would be all three !!!

      • Umm, you’re the idiot who thought this was in the US and had something to do with Obama. Glass houses – fool.

        • This has everything to do with Obama…my god another idiot.

  • Good God man, this was from September 2015. And it was proven to be incorrect:

    • Yet another….do NOT trust snopes…EVER!!!

  • Good catch by the Greek police. Someone lost millions on the confiscated shipment and now they will be looking even harder for shipments like this into all of these countries unless the Cabal replaces them with police that will look the other way for a few pieces of silver.

  • If there were addresses to where they were to be delivered, the recipients should arrested and start filling the fema camps with the real enemy. What Home Land Security will do is chastise the border police for uncovering this. We have a Muslim in the home land security office for crying out loud and a Muslim president and the muslin Loretta Lynch. I wonder who paid for the guns, we probably did, compliments of the Whitehouse. Enough is enough!

  • It is in here in Greece. OEA is the port authority- police and the seized the shipment.

  • Good job, Border Control! It’s exactly what I’ve been saying all along: first they get the terrorists disguised as “immigrants” into Europe and the USA, then they send them weapons, then they give the order via the George Soros-supplied mobile smartphones they all have to start their rampage. Look up Kuki Boy, that was an entire SHIP full of weapons headed for Greece that was likewise intercepted. Or the 22,000 military uniforms they confiscated in Spain. Same with the 3,000 weapons they found in mosques in Paris after the attacks there, or the arsenal they discovered next to a mosque in Dusseldorf.

  • You should have published a link to the source of this story, I find that if I post something from BIN to Facebook few people look at it, especially since Facebook has a trailing post that say BIN is a fake news site.

    • BIN is definitely not a fake news site provided you ignore any and all articles mentioning, written by, or in any way connected to one Benjamin Fulford. He’s an idiot savant living in Japan who’s still working at the “savant” part. Other than that I think BIN is 100% for real.

  • This is FALSE REPORTING, MR. ROLLS. I almost shared it to Facebook just based alone on its coming from you and I am certainly relieved that I did my own vetting of it.

    This shipment was not found by the Border Patrol, and it shipped FROM SYRIA to LIBYA and was NOT destined to the United States NOR was it ever destined to the illegal immigrants we are housing in the United States.

    We citizens are extremely fragile now as well as in great anxiety over the elections, the illegal immigration and the crimes by them, pending nuclear war through World War III, overwhelming information especially from Wiki’eaks in just a short period, beyond angry as the governmental corruption has the light shone on it, the repeated lies being told us by those posing as journalists and tremendously tired. We do not need any false reports such as this, and it borders on criminal to post this knowing well it could be a spark to a civil war.

    Your reputation has just taken a horrible DING–if not more.

  • I decided not to wait, and decided not to read it!

  • Hum … this can’t be. No word of it anywhere. Muahahahaha. You sat and watched the open borders for years. Who the Fk knows what’s here!

  • AV

    More like

    “Border guards found 52 tons of guns and ammunition in 14 Conex containers disguised as “furniture” for delivery to Syria / Iraq via Turkey”

    Why would a USA company manufacturing goods have to import it’s own manufactured goods disguised?
    Also – if manufactured in the USA – then no need to import !!! Duh !!!

    If the company is legally in the USA – then it does not need to disguise anything to store/import/export
    the goods officilally right ??



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