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INTERPOL Washington to Attend Counter ISIL Ministerial Meeting

Wednesday, March 22, 2017 10:28
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INTERPOL Washington Acting Director Wayne Salzgaber will attend a meeting of the Ministers of the Global Coalition working to defeat ISIS on March 22, 2017, at the U.S. Department of State. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will host the 68 foreign ministers and senior Coalition leaders from around the world.
As one of the international organizations represented in the Coalition, INTERPOL, the largest international police organization, will be represented by INTERPOL Secretary General Jϋrgen Stock. INTERPOL Washington is the U.S. National Central Bureau representing the United States in INTERPOL. INTERPOL provides a global framework of resources for combating transnational crime and terrorism, including leading a multinational fusion cell and analytical database containing biometric and other data of value to law enforcement and border control authorities responsible for determining threats from foreign fighters within their jurisdictions.
The Ministerial is intended to accelerate international efforts to defeat ISIS in the remaining areas it holds in Iraq and Syria and to maximize pressure on its branches, affiliates, and networks. The Coalition regularly meets at the Small Group level to coordinate and enhance combined efforts to counter ISIS.
The ministerial participants will discuss detailed priorities for the Coalition’s multiple lines of effort, including military, foreign terrorist fighters, counterterrorist financing, counter-messaging, and stabilization of liberated areas, to increase the momentum of the campaign. Ministers will also discuss the ongoing humanitarian crises in Iraq and Syria that are affecting the region.
For more information on the Global Coalition, please visit the State Department webpage: .
A component of the U.S. Department of Justice, INTERPOL Washington is co-managed by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. As the designated representative to the International Criminal Police Organization on behalf of the Attorney General, INTERPOL Washington serves as the national point of contact for all INTERPOL matters, coordinating international investigative efforts among member countries and the more than 18,000 federal, state, local, and tribal law enforcement agencies in the United States.


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