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The short answer is that all law, except “Natural Law” like the Law of Gravity, comes from religion. Some people wrinkle their noses, but it has to be discussed because it is the truth.
Modern psychology tells us that about five percent of us are born without a conscience. We call these people sociopaths and label them with various other descriptive names, but the bottom line is that they have no natural compass with respect to right or wrong. They learn what the rest of us consider right or wrong by rote, the same way a dog learns to fetch a newspaper without being able to read it, but they truly don’t have a clue why the rest of us consider certain things like stealing, lying, or adultery to be “wrong”. So how do we get these ideas in the first place?
Part of it is natural empathy, which most of us possess. We hate it when someone lies about us or something or someone we care about, so we come to the conclusion that lying is wrong. In the same way, we conclude that stealing is wrong, and so on. Throughout this planet there is a generalized understanding of what is “right” and what is “wrong” on this basis alone.
Organized religions have, again, generally speaking, taken these basic conclusions and according to their own history and traditions have made them part of their doctrine— their rules of belief and behavior by which their society is defined and identified. That process has, in turn, given rise to their systems of law and concepts of justice.
The Western World has been dominated by Judaism and Christianity and Islam for the last two millenia. All three of these major world religions are rooted in one book— The Bible, and in particular, the Old Testament of the Bible. It should come as no surprise from the foregoing that all forms of law currently used by western societies including Sharia Law have their roots in the Old Testament, and the Bible remains the basis of all Law of the Land.
Most people either directly remember or have seen old movies where the judge walks into the courtroom with a Bible under his arm and thumps it down on his bench along with his gavel. At the same time, someone calls out, “All rise!…..” and everyone in the courtroom obediently stands up until the judge says, “Please, be seated.”
The reason you “rise” is to show your respect for the Bible and to physically signal your consent to be judged according to its rules as interpreted by the judge and/or jury..
In recent years, however, the judges in western courts no longer carry a Bible with them into the courtroom. They just show up empty-handed and someone calls out, “All rise….!” and everyone—- that is, everyone but me— continues to stand up until he or she says, “Please, be seated.” What has just happened? You have consented by your action to be judged— not by The Bible — but by the judge, according to whatever ideas the judge may have today.
I have been poked and prodded and laughed at and accused of “disrespecting the court” for refusing to stand and sit on cue, but my reply has always been simple and to the point: “I don’t consent.” I don’t accept the jurisdiction of any “equity court” being run in international jurisdiction according to the Satanic Law of the Sea as my “law” or any law related to me. And if you are like most Americans, neither should you.
In these and in other respects, what goes on in a courtroom is a religious ceremony, and whether that religion is sacred or profane is up to you.
Stop for a moment, and if you can, pretend you are a sociopath. You have no concept of right or wrong, no empathy for anyone else. You are like a two year-old looking at the world with one question on your mind– “What’s that?” And now turn that blank attention toward the Bible. What’s that? Bereft of all empathy, belief, or prejudice — it’s a collection of stories about a Benevolent Creator and a Bad Guy named Satan and how people have interacted over time with these two polar opposites.
What is less obvious, but still obvious enough, is that there are two “Gods” in the Bible and two religions. Changes made in the 16th Century make this more difficult to see, but it’s there nonetheless. Jesus acknowledges that Satan is the king of this world very readily during his Temptation in the Desert and he even recognizes Satan’s followers calling them a “Synagogue of Satan” later on. Time and time again we are told about the venal religions and vile practices of the Canaanites (Cain-anites), Phillistines, Moabites, Babylonians, and others, including the Egyptians, and warned about the “Abomination which brings desolation”.
Most people get the impression that these ancient competitors of the Hebrews were worshiping unknown idols long since fallen to dust and that whatever their practices, beliefs, doctrines, and laws were— they no longer impact us. Nothing could be further from the Truth.
These ancient religions worshiped Satan and his Consort, Ashtoreth, the “Mother of All Harlots”, the Abomination which brings desolation. Satan’s most familiar personification in the modern world is as the Greek god, Poseidon— the god of the Sea. Guess which religion the international Law of the Sea comes from?
Satan is the Father of All Lies, so his devotees are all liars. A lie is a prayer to them. What else do we know about Satan? He is the Accuser. It is his job to accuse you of crime and wrong-doing of all kinds. He is the Great Prosecutor. It is his “job” to condemn you. So when you go to an international admiralty court as JOHN MAYNARD DOE, you are already gulty by definition and all that is left to be decided is how much your infraction against his 80,000,000 profit-making laws will cost in terms of time in jail or money in hand.
That’s the way it is, and things are set up so that they can hardly be any other way. You walk in, you unknowingly consent to Satan’s acolytes operating under the Law of the Sea, and that’s it. Bang-O! The whole “process” is monotonous. Day after day, year after year, these judges “process” you, like men at a slaughterhouse “process” steers and they use the same insulting language. I have heard judges— and not just a few— say, “Come forward and let me process you.”
Let’s all agree— whatever our other differences of doctrine— that is it time to “process” them, instead. We need to stop giving them consent to judge us and stop giving them any ability to bring their courts onto the land.
What else do we know about Satan? He is the ruler of this world. So what is a “world” as opposed to the Earth?
Note that the Book of Revelation says that the Creator will “bring to ruin those ruining the Earth” and then goes on and talks about a new “world”. The Earth isn’t going to be destroyed according to the Bible, but the world is.
The world is the whole construct of civilization that has been developed by men, all the conventions and institutions that have been used to organize and control and expedite trade like banks and governments and the machinery of military might. It’s the way we have structured things, as opposed to the way the Creator structures things.
Please be aware that you are dealing with the most duplicitous people on Earth, that every word has at least two meanings, and yet, at the end of the day, knowing this allows you to craft awareness and words to your own advantage. It allows you to take back your power and exercise your rights and reality in the face of oppression and criminality.
Get going. Get talking. Take this information to your priests and your pastors. Those people in Congress are not your “representatives” but they are the representatives of their corporation. Blast them with your complaints. Let them have no peace day or night. They have let these Bounders in and given them permission —- in your behalf no less — to play these games of predation.
So what’s the next step besides this obvious one above?
Declare yourselves to be men and women, people, who have not willingly and knowingly consented to any of this crappola. Stand up by the millions and record your names and property assets. Then get ready to bring your claims by the millions, too.
You must reclaim your birthright identity and start organizing your jural assemblies and establishing your counties on the land jurisdiciton of the United States. You elect your own Sheriffs. And you use the Citizen’s Arrest Statutes of the United States Statutes at Large to arrest these “judges” and others who trespass upon your rights and your property. You make it your business to bring the Law of the Land forward. You invoke the Saving to Suitors Clause of the Northwest Ordinance. You return the “favor” to these vermin.
As Mulligan Ex Parte guarantees, when you have elected your own American Common Law Court at the county level, they can no longer “process” anyone claiming their natural “State National” status in that county. When you get your State level American Common Law Courts set up, they can no longer “process” anyone at the “State” level, either. For them, the game is over, because millions upon millions of Americans will seize back their purloined identities and their property and these “federal franchise” courts will be reduced back to hearing actual maritime cases and dealing exclusively with legitimate “Federal Citizens”.
To see more articles by Judge Anna von Reitz please visit her website at
Submitted by: Wynter Moon