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John Christopher Speaks at NYSBA’s Section Leaders Conference

Tuesday, May 31, 2016 6:55
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UNIONDALE, NEW YORK — On May 12, John Christopher, a Partner with Sahn Ward Coschignano, PLLC, served on a panel at the New York State Bar Association’s 2016 Section Leaders Conference. Mr. Christopher joined a panel of esteemed colleagues to discuss the various ways that sections can meaningfully engage their members through collaboration, community outreach and connections. Mr. Christopher spoke on the importance of holding networking events with other young professional groups in order to provide valuable networking opportunities for Young Lawyers Section members.

Mr. Christopher is an Officer of the NYSBA’s Young Lawyers Section and serves as a Section Delegate to the NYSBA House of Delegates and a Liaison to the Real Property Law Section.

“We are proud to have Mr. Christopher represent the Firm at this prestigious conference,” said Michael Sahn, the Firm’s Managing Partner. “We encourage our attorneys to actively get involved in the Bar Association and, as a result, many have held very prominent positions. Their involvement is a great example of their dedication to the legal profession.”

For more information on Sahn Ward Coschignano call (516) 228-1300 or visit


About Sahn Ward Coschignano, PLLC

Sahn Ward Coschignano, PLLC is committed to providing its clients with the highest quality representation, counsel and advice. Practice areas include zoning and land use planning; real estate law and transactions; litigation and appeals; municipal law and legislative practice; cellular and telecommunications law; environmental, corporate, labor and employment law; tax certiorari and condemnation, matrimonial practice; and estate planning. The firm strives to assist its clients in a wide array of issues, serving them with skill and experience, resourcefulness and responsibility. For more information, call (516) 228-1300 or visit


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