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Bounty of One Ton Of Gold for The Capture of These khazarian Gangster Criminals

Friday, July 15, 2016 16:37
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Gold reward offered for the capture of Khazarian gangsters.

In order to bring about world peace and justice, the White Dragon Society is offering a gold bounty for the capture of the individuals listed below. The gold can be collected in Hong Kong or other parts of Asia upon the capture of the felons. These criminals collectively have been actively trying to kill 90% of the world’s population and enslave the survivors. Ample proof of their crimes has already been provided to various law enforcement and other agencies around the world. Since the individuals below are highly dangerous you are authorized to use any necessary force if they resist arrest. Their names are presented in the same format as the deck of cards they issued for Iraqi leaders following their illegal invasion of that country.

Ace of Spades
George Bush Senior
Wanted for mass murder and embezzlement
Bounty: One ton of gold

Ace of Diamonds
David Rockefeller
Wanted for mass murder and embezzlement
Bounty: One ton of gold

Ace of Hearts
Etienne D’Avignon
Wanted for illegally engineering the destruction of United States
Bounty: One ton of gold

Ace of Clubs
David de Rothschild
Wanted for fraud
Bounty: One ton of gold

King of Spades
George Bush Junior
Wanted for mass murder and embezzlement
Bounty: One ton of gold

King of Diamonds
Donald Rumsfeld
Wanted for mass murder and embezzlement
Bounty: One ton of gold

King of Hearts
Bill Clinton
Wanted for mass murder and embezzlement
Bounty: One ton of gold

King of Clubs
Benyamin Netanyahu
Wanted for mass murder and money laundering
Bounty: One ton of gold

Queen of Spades
Barbara Bush
Wanted for mass murder and embezzlement
Bounty: One ton of gold

Queen of Diamonds
Janet Yellen
Wanted for fraud
Bounty: One ton of gold

Queen Hearts
Hillary Clinton
Wanted for mass murder and embezzlement
Bounty: One ton of gold

Queen of Clubs
Victoria Nuland
Wanted for mass murder and embezzlement
Bounty: One ton of gold

Joker of Spades
Nicholas Sarkozi
Wanted for mass murder, fraud and drug smuggling
Bounty: One ton of gold

Joker of Diamonds
Mario Draghi
Wanted for embezzlement and fraud
Bounty: One ton of gold

Joker of Hearts
Haruhiko Kuroda
Wanted for theft of Japanese savings
Bounty: One ton of gold

Joker of Clubs
Barack Obama
Wanted for mass murder and embezzlement
Bounty: One ton of gold

We will stop the deck with the jokers for now but more names will be issued if the arrest of these individuals proves insufficient to stop the ongoing crimes against humanity being perpetrated by the Khazarian Mafia. If anybody on this list thinks they are being unfairly targeted, they may make their case directly to the White Dragon Society.

Submitted by:  Wynter Moon

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Total 4 comments
  • Hell most of this people are in the US. If they are serious send their intelligence to pick them up. :evil:

  • No address as to where to deliver the creeps too? You won’t get any mercenaries that way.

  • no problem…after I round them up,I’ll just go to Asia,and ask for my gold…1 ton please….they will have some guy at the airport holding a sign saying “American,here for ton of gold”

    • Yeah,
      My sign will say “Fullofshitford and Drake sent me. Dude, where’s my Gold?”

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