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The Bundys – Judge Anna von Reitz

Monday, August 29, 2016 19:32
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August 29, 2016

The Bundys

Many people have asked me what our Living Law Firm has done or is doing for the Bundys and others involved in the Oregon Wildlife Refuge Stand-Off.

Even I have wasted time and money writing letters and making phone calls and posting on Facebook to no avail—- and just like Thomas Deegan in West Virginia, you can’t help Stubborn and Wrong.

Just recently I have had word that one of the Bundys might be starting to listen, but only because they have run out of money to pay “real” attorneys.


The Bundys are being prosecuted under the false presumption that they are “United States Citizens” or “citizens of the United States” when they are not.

United States Citizens have never been protected by the guarantees of The Constitution, so, as long as you agree that you are a United States Citizen— guess what? There’s no use arguing any “constitutional” defenses. And there is no use arguing that they are being wrongfully prosecuted, because as “United States Citizens” they are subject to every little jot of Federal Code and Statute. That includes “federated” State Statutes, too.

Now, have you ever seen a snake try to eat something grossly much bigger than itself so that the intended food gets stuck on its fangs? Unless some kind soul comes along and unlocks its jaws, the snake will thrash around and starve to death.

What should happen is that the Bundys and their friends should go into court and say, “Your Honor, there’s been a mistake here, and we made it. We were misinformed about several things. We were told that we had to sign up for Social Security, that it was mandated for us by our government—- and that turns out not to be the case. We were told we had to have Driver Licenses, too, and that turns out not to be true, either. We aren’t United States Citizens. We are United States Nationals so far as international affairs are concerned, and here at home we are what you call American State Nationals. We are sorry about the confusion.

Here’s the Social Security Cards we were given and the Driver Licenses, too. And here’s the Birth Certificate our parents were given as the insurance indemnity receipt guaranteeing the well-being and safety of our “cargo”. We were never told what it was until very recently. We thought it was just a record of us being born.”

All that should take about 30 seconds, cost virtually nothing, and requires only three documents.

“Now, your Honor, this has all been a big mistake— a case of mistaken identity. We must be set free and our losses made whole.”

Remember that old snake trying to eat the world? That’s the look on the judge’s face right about now. He and his cohorts have knowingly prosecuted their employers under false presumptions. Their court and the corporation they are working for are on the stick for it.

Unless they want to commit war crimes in open court—- crimes that carry the death penalty— they truly do need to do a double flip spin in the air, 180 degree flip-flop in front of God and the whole world— and release the Bundys and their friends and return all their losses, plus damages.

The Bundys and their friends actually are the Landlords who are owed the Wildlife Refuge and every other particle of land in the western states. The Federales are just employees, working under contract as property managers.

But as long as you put up with this crappola and let the Feds pretend that you are one of them and subject to their rules, you look like a small and tasty bite.

Let’s take this a little bit farther—

What if there was a man in your community who was known to be a murderer, a bully, and a thief? What if he was also so slick, so cunning, and so adept at pressuring people and buying them off and threatening them, that no matter what he does—- even murder in broad daylight— like Waco and Ruby Ridge and he continues to get away with it?

Okay, what if it isn’t a man? What if it is an organized crime syndicate, set up like the mafia, operating as a corporation? And what if that corporation is operating under color of law, pretending to be part of your legitimate government simply because they have a contract to provide “governmental services”?


That’s what we’ve got here. That’s what we are dealing with.

The private, for-profit corporation literally calling itself the “GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES” —- this is no joke—-is listed on Dunn and Bradstreet. And under “GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES” you find numerous subsidiaries including the “BLM” and the “FBI”.

“NORTHERN TRUST” is listed as the owner/operator of the “IRS” and the “AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION”.

Now, you can go up against these groups of criminals with fists and pitchforks, or you can object to their criminality and liquidate them—-expose them for what they are and how they are operating, bring charges against them, and “pull their charters”. Suddenly, they have no funding, no way to pay for their mercenaries, and no way to harm anyone, unless their shadowy bosses have grit enough to go one on one with Clive Bundy.

And I really don’t think they do. That’s why they are hiding behind legal pretenses and false fronts in the first place. That’s why they are so scared of guns.

So what I am very broadly suggesting—-again—-to everyone concerned, is to take a bit of advice from George V, the British Monarch primarily responsible for this latest round of thuggery on our soil—–don’t get mad. Keep calm and get even.

If any of my readers have direct contacts with the Bundy Clan, or Thomas Deegan, or Schaeffer Cox or others facing federal prosecution, please forward this blurb to their attention.

It’s a very simple, direct, and effective solution. It costs virtually nothing. It’s peaceful. Almost effortless. What more could you ask for?

And what do you have to lose?

If I am right, you get your freedom— freedom like you have never had before; you get your losses repaired, plus damages, which after what you’ve gone through would be very nice, indeed.

If I am wrong, well, there will be some British Subjects set up for the gallows of the new Nuremburg Tribunal, and you can hardly be worse off than you already are.

If you have already been tried and convicted “by mistake” submit the paperwork for a mis-trial hearing based on new information and challenge the court’s jurisdiction.

Please note that this will not work for people who legitimately are United States Citizens or “citizens of the United States”—– which includes federal civilian and military employees, African Americans, federal welfare recipients (Retirees— remember you are retired and those aren’t Social Security “Benefits” you are receiving if you paid in and were vested in the Social Security System.) or political asylum seekers or if you are knowingly and willingly operating a federal franchise corporation.

To see more articles by Judge Anna please visit her website at

Submitted by:  Wynter Moon

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