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Steven Mitchell Sack Offers Five Effective Ways to Reduce Lawsuits Resulting from Incidents Occurring at Holiday Parties

Monday, December 5, 2016 13:08
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Attorney Steven Mitchell Sack, “The Employee’s Lawyer,” suggests five ways to minimize litigation that may arise from situations brought on during corporate holiday parties.

Mr. Sack’s tips include:

● Distribute a “zero tolerance” memo for sexual harassment. The document should define what constitutes inappropriate behavior and remind workers that anyone who commits sexual harassment before, during, or after the party will be subject to strict penalties, including possible immediate dismissal.

● Consider making the party an alcohol-free event. If alcohol is served, then the company should hire experienced bartenders only (as opposed to volunteer company employees), who are trained to stop serving liquor to those who have imbibed too much. The company should also consider offering car service where applicable.

● Schedule the party when office hours have concluded to avoid claims of failing to pay wages and overtime for hourly workers who attend the function or are required to attend.

● Consider having the event at a location away from, or not affiliated with, the company. This will reduce the risk of theft of company property, trade secrets, or other valuable assets that can go missing at such events.

● Inform employees to act discreetly when taking pictures. Posting photographs on social networking sites that are provocative or embarrassing can be detrimental to the business. This is not the kind of publicity any employer desires.

“The holiday season should be a time for celebration,” said Mr. Sack. “However, when rejoicing with colleagues during such festivities, employees should keep these instructions in mind. There is no need to ruin an enjoyable experience with unfortunate incidents that could have been easily avoided.”

For more information, call (917) 371-8000 or visit


About Steven Mitchell Sack
Steven Mitchell Sack, “The Employee’s Lawyer®,” has been enforcing workplace rights of employees, executives, and sales representatives for 37 years. He is a practicing attorney concentrating in employment law, as well as an author of 19 books, a lecturer and syndicated radio talk show host. Together with attorney Scott A. Lucas, they obtained a $6.2 million injury verdict in 2015 on behalf of three pregnant employees, as well as a favorable Court of Appeals decision for a group of waiters who were denied their fair share of tips that were held back by a caterer. For more information, visit

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