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Showdown with TSA set for ‘Opt Out and Film Week’ November 19-26

Wednesday, November 14, 2012 11:21
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Showdown with TSA set for ‘Opt Out and Film Week’ November 19-26
The National Opt Out and Film Week, a new campaign designed to expose the abusive policies of the TSA, is set to launch during Thanksgiving, one of the busiest travel times of the year — and the TSA might not be able to stop it.
The peaceful protest, conceived by activist Ashley Jessica and Infowars reporter Paul Joseph Watson, is a direct response to the implementation of potentially harmful body scanners, invasive pat-downs and other objectionable TSA policies that have led to public outcries for change.
Supporters of Opt Out and Film Week are encouraged to film TSA activities at their local airport — even if they are not flying — and upload the videos to Youtube and other sites. According to the TSA website, filming TSA agents and security checkpoints is not illegal, as long as it does not interfere with security procedures. In addition, the Facebook page for the event suggests three ways that people can participate:
1) Fly within the United States, opt out of the body scanner and have someone film your pat-down.
2) Go to your nearest U.S. airport and hand out flyers to travelers to spread the word about the event.
3) Film TSA personnel at non-airport locations, like subways, train stations and bus stops, and peacefully re-assert your rights when faced with random bag searches and other unreasonable security procedures.

So far, over 1000 people have confirmed via Facebook that they will be taking part in Opt Out and Film Week at their local airports.

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