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The Great “Smoke and Mirrors” Obama Economy
By Dr. Bob Uda
After President Barack Obama took over the country in January 2009, his economic policies caused great layoffs to ripple throughout the United States. My six-figure salary job at BAE Systems ended in July 2009, and I was unemployed for three years. I was on unemployment insurance for 99 weeks. That was not a good situation as it made me do the bare minimum in my job search. That is what the Obama administration job-loss bailout program did to the psyche of laid-off workers. It makes unemployed workers lazy as they received Obama’s dangerous unemployment bailouts.
I had started on a PhD program in September 2006, which continued for nearly six years through July 2012 before I graduated. I had taken a $25,000 Sallie Mae loan to finance my PhD program up front. That was one of my better financial decisions that I had made as the cost for that same degree has about doubled during that six-year time period.
After my unemployment compensation ended in 2011, the government did not count me any longer as searching for a job. My lack of actively searching for work contributed to the unemployment figure going down. Alternatively, I continued working full time as a doctoral student at Northcentral University and worked towards graduation.
We were working through our savings to survive. I sold off all of my stocks and got out of the Stock Market. I had entered the Stock Market in year 2000 and lost 50% of my investments during 2001 when the Stock Market took a big dive during the “” fiasco. During my 12 years in the Stock Market, I never recovered my losses, which ended about 40% loss from my initial investment of $100K in high-tech stocks.
After I graduated with a PhD degree in July 2012, I obtained an adjunct online teaching position with Colorado Technical University (CTU) teaching homeland security courses, which started in July 2012. I had entered that new career field because of my PhD degree in business administration with specialization in homeland security. My wife had a couple of major surgeries in 2011, which cost us well over $50K.
In 2013, I acquired two more adjunct teaching jobs in homeland security. Hence, at one period during 2013, I held three part time teaching jobs and was working 120 hours per week on those three jobs. Thus, the Obama government counted my three adjunct teaching jobs as three jobs. At the peak point, I was teaching up to 138 students in eight courses in three online universities—yet I was making less than one-fifth I was making when I was working at my last company in the aerospace and defense industries.
I was getting three hours of sleep a night and running ragged working all of those hours each week. It got too much for me such that I had to let one of those three part-time jobs go. What is wrong with that picture, anyway? There is nothing right with that picture. That, typically, is the Obama economy in action. Everything I have been experiencing concurs with the facts presented today by Fox News about a Wall Street Journal article.
Because of the dangerous ObamaCare, universities and companies have increased their part-time employment. This is a good thing for businesses and educational institutions. They tell us not to work over 29 hours a week, yet the amount of work we must do to survive is like holding a full-time job. That is a good thing for universities, where they pay their part-time instructors low salaries and get full-time work out of them. I think that this employment approach will increase and will be the wave of the future. ObamaCare has caused this condition.
I do not see what the future holds except I will probably need to work until I am 90 years old. Fortunately, working as a telecommuter and as an adjunct university online instructor is ideal as we work in our own homes and never need to get dressed, travel to and from a working location, and bearing all the expenses for gasoline, lunches, laundry, and other such expenses that full-time workers must bear while working at a brick-and-mortar location.
Now, all we need to do is to earn a decent salary. As it goes, I am making less than minimum wage for all of the overtime I must work to get everything done. The Obama government is working hard to increase the minimum wage to a ridiculous level. That will make us part-time workers in the educational industry even more depressed in our salaries and making less per hour than high school and college kids working part time at fast-food restaurants.
No matter what President Obama does to this “Nanny State” economy, as long as I can work, I will never accept any of his ridiculous entitlement program benefits. I strongly believe in a safety net for destitute people who cannot work, the invalid, and those who are down and out. However, we have too many moochers dining at Obama’s feeding trough. When people receive food stamps for generations on end, something is fraudulently wrong. Our nation needs to re-enshrine the Protestant ethic of hard work and abolish the evils of the dole.
Everything that the Obama administration has done has caused available jobs to decrease, unemployment to increase, salaries to decrease, underemployment to increase, and unemployed workers to go on the dole. These conditions result from the “smoke and mirrors” Obama economy.
Did you vote for him to start with?
I had people tell me they were going to vote for him the first time around and I told them they were making a mistake. They didn’t lesson to me. I didn’t vote for him. I knew something was wrong with him in the first place.
Why do I regularly see anti-Obama articles on Before its News and NEVER any anti-Bush, anti-Cheney or anti_Rumsfeld articles? WHY?
“..The effects of the 2007 depression are much less severe than the 1929-41 depression because of safety-net benefits now provided. Consider the horrendous, though not uncommon situation of a household in 1932 comprised of elderly grandparents being supported by their working-age children with young children of their own, when the breadwinners became unemployed. The 1932 family would be destitute. Today the grandparents would have social security and Medicare benefits. Their working-age children could now collect unemployment benefits for up to 99 weeks. Additionally, the entire family could also be eligible for food stamps, Medicaid, rent subsidies, heating fuel subsidies, free school lunches and other benefits. The 1932 family might also have had a bank account in one of the many banks that failed and lost their savings. Today, Federal Deposit Insurance protects such bank accounts. You might say we are now in a depression with benefits.”..
Not much difference in the UK. They’ve spent £150 million on welfare reforms to save £6 million, and out of the savings have given themselves a £4 million pay rise.
Psychotic and heads on spikes, comes to mind.
If you are talking solutions, there is only one if you want to stop it repeating. Cut them out of the loop and have a real democracy, 1 person, 1 vote on everything. We need an administration just the same, eg to manage, traffic, defence, police, medical etc. But why do we need a bunch of self serving toffs to make our choices for us, when we can make them for ourselves?
We know what we need, freedom, a decent living, decent housing, free health care, a real education etc, not propaganda with a few scraps off the .001% super rich elite table, as if we are dogs under their feet.
No, I would never vote for a Marxist-socialist who wants to tax and spend, rob the rich to give to the poor, spread the wealth, destroy the middle class, destroy free enterprise, destroy capitalism, give everyone an unfair shot, and to fundamentally transform the United States of America into a Nanny State. I never voted for him to start with, and I never would vote for him–ever. The man is a detriment to the U.S. Constitution and to the well-being of the United States of America. He desires to make everyone dependent on big government. Did you vote for him, Jeff?
The rich aren’t being robbed to give to the poor . It’s the exact opposite in the U.S. The rich are getting richer, a tiny, tiny handful of people , and they’re just hoarding it .
The poor are getting poorer, and more and more of the middle class are sinking helplessly into
poverty .
Yes, wealth is definitely being “redistributed “. But not the way you think.
Look, we have to have taxes and the govewrnment has to spend .
Ever since Ronald Reagan introduced trickle down economics over 30 years ago,
our economy has been tanking . The problem is not that some people are rich ,
but that so mnay people are poor .
They’re not lazy bums who don’t want to work . They’re honest, hard-working people
who are down on their luck because of the catastrophic social & economic policies of the GOP .
Obama has been trying to fight this and give the poor and middle class a break,
but the greedy , ruthless and callous GOP and the ruthless plutocrats have been blocking him.
He’s no Marxist or communist .
You obviously have not viewed all of the liberal/progressive websites out there. They were very nasty towards Bush and Cheney. I even wrote against Bush because the Republican Party left me in 2008 when Bush was spending like a typically spending liberal Democrat. I am now a “strict constructionist” Constitutional Conservative. I do not claim to be a Republican. At that time and many times after that, I called them Repugnants.
My articles are not anti-Obama. However, they are anti-Obama-Policies. They also describe what Obama is doing to destroy our dear USA. Remember, just before he won his first term, he said, “We are five days away from fundamentally changing the United States of America.” That’s what I am against. I am not against the man, but I am against all of the crazy things he is doing.
@Awabnavi: Where have you been? Over the past seven years, I wrote many articles about anti-Bush articles. When you only operate with blinders on, that is all you selectively see.