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Press Release for JUNKIE: a series inspired by true events

Friday, July 17, 2015 11:49
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(Before It's News)

July 17, 2015

Press Release

JUnKIE is a television series inspired by true events.

 “Junkie will have an emotional impact on millions of viewers.  It will grab the attention of:  recovering addicts, families who have struggled with addiction, treatment professionals, and will reach out to everyone wondering how to recover from their own addictions” Shawnda Christiansen, Creator of JUnKIE.

The new television series JUnKIE is a very unique concept because it is based on real stories submitted by real people.  Since the launch of the Facebook page, producers have received an overwhelming response from community members who feel strongly that they want to see this series.  Numerous personal stories have been received from Arizona, Mt. Shasta, and a multitude of other cities around the United States. 

The pilot episode is scheduled to be filmed in late September and a Crowdfunding site is set up for donations.  The site can be easily located via the production website at   

What is JUnKIE all about?  Think of the movie Crash colliding with Breaking Bad and underscoring my strange addiction in this story about interweaved addicts in the trenches of:  methamphetamine, self-mutilation, borderline personality disorder, and anti-social personality disorder.  Characters include:  June Taylor who cuts herself to feel alive, Kie a narcissistic small time drug dealer, Earl who believes he has bugs living underneath his skin, an arch angel, a southern girl with a filthy mouth and many more colorful characters.  Who will make it and who won’t?  It is difficult to predict as the character ebb and flow continuously leads to one ultimate outcome.

JUNKIE is an FX IN EFFECT Production, in collaboration with Morgen Earle, 5th Tuesday Films and 12/27 Films.  Executively produced by: Toni Staniewicz, and additional EP’s are in the process of signing on to the production.  The series plans to launch in late September 2015.


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