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By Mort Amsel (Reporter)
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NK Fighter Jet Activity Increases Dramatically, Evacuating Civilians Into Tunnels, Camouflaging Transports

Wednesday, March 13, 2013 4:46
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(Before It's News)

North Korea has begun evacuating some citizens into tunnels with emergency provisions and putting military camouflage on buses and trucks, the South Korean Defense Ministry said Tuesday.

North Korea has dramatically increased the number of fighter jets in its skies over the last few days, an unnamed government official told South Korean-based news agency Yonhap, and may have closed access to its limited internet from the outside.
“Flights of North Korean air force’s fighter jets and helicopters reached about 700 sorties on March 11,” the source said. South Korean sources often only reveal information to local media on the condition of anonymity.
All that was left now, was for North Korea to “unleash merciless retaliation” against ongoing U.S.-lead sanctions and war games, Yonhap reported, citing an official North Korean government statement.
North Korea has responded to on-going U.S.-South Korean war games by creating its own war-like atmosphere, the Seoul-based Daily NK reported. “Before the military exercises started on the 11th, orders were handed down telling us to raise the readiness posture one step from ‘combat mobilization,’” the North Hamkyung-based source told the online newspaper.
Simple question for everyone, what is North Korea going to do?  I don’t ever remember thembeing on this type of footing over war games before.  Martial lawhigh alert, cancelled armistice, etc. etc.   -Mort

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Total 55 comments
  • More proof that communism leads to mass lunacy and paranoia. When God is subtracted from the equation, madness fills the vacuum.

    • Very much so, EVERY time. Can you imagine being thrown into a shelter, planes flying overhead, no one knows what’s going on, but the government paranoia machine is telling you it’s the American’s, but we’re not doing anything? Those poor people.

    • “By deception, we will conduct war”. That is exactly what “communism” is. Its window dressing for the fascism they really are trying to impliment fully. Its been done already in some areas, like post office is now poorly run by private companies, as well as prisons which requires more and more prisoners for them to make profits and its a source of slave labor for the corporations owning and running the prisons and we paid for them with our taxes, but now they get to use them to line their greedy slimey pockets.

      NO WAY IS THIS COMMUNISM….. its fascism and the goal during WW II by the Zionists sitting safely in Switzerland was to spread their nazi crap globally. If you can’t see by now, you never will til its too late. DO NOT FIGHT IN THEIR BOGUS FILTHY SCUMMY WARS….. we have an enemy and we know who it is and that is who we go after. If they go underground which they will, then we go after every single asset they own and destroy it big time.

      • YEP. How utterly FOOLISH to accept THAT as “communism”; it’s so obviously PHONY.

        But geez, looks like he’s going to pull the trigger. Those MIGs are their current fighters? They’re what, 52 years old?

        I hate to say it, but it might be time to cinderize Pyongyang. Death would be welcome to many North Koreans. I just hope Dennis Rodman’s in one of Teeny Dic’s pleasure palaces when it happens.

    • GK

      Hahahah. And the religious right in the US is soooooo much better, with their hellfire and damnation and “do as we say, not as we do” attitude. Tea Party wingnuts claiming God is on their side, when everything they say and do goes against every single one of their God’s words, and hypocrisy fills their lives.

      THAT is madness.

      • North Korea is what you liberal maggots want to turn the U.S. into.

      • the US turned north korea into what it is today stupid.

        the blame for all the USA woes lays firmly with folks like yourself.

      • anomy you mean china and russia did you retard learn your history

    • “Communists”? I don’t see any, sorry. I see a tinhorn tyrant who’s convinced his people they’re a part of “communism”, while he and army officers finger whores and drink 40-year old cognac by the barrel. And his people are reduced to eating their dead relatives and neighbors.

      That’s NOT Communism. That’s “communism”.

    • “When God is subtracted from the equation, madness fills the vacuum.”
      What a dumbass statement. Any madness on NK’s part (or any nation’s) is incidental to religious dogma or otherwise. It’s the 21st century, folks – AND STILL PEOPLE DON’T SEE THAT.

    • God has always been substracted from the USA and that is why they have attacked so many countries. Capitalism has led to more deaths then any other ideologies. especially when evangelists justify capitalism.

    • AMEN :!:

      • Amen…Amen…amen. The USA is not God of this world but they believe that they are through the lie of 2Th 2:11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 2Th 2:12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. Soon yes very soon the reborn blood washed expensively bought children of the real Lord Jesus Christ will see their king in the clouds. What a glorious day. Wonder what most Americans will say then. :cry:

  • This is all beyond the usual North Korean saber rattling and stone faced threat making. What are they trying to gain from all of this? A unified Korea under Kim Jong Un’s dictatorship? It’s a lousy day to be a South Korean, even the southerners who are sympathetic to the north will soon find out how bad Communism really is if they unify.

    • Your are missing the point. North Korea is going into pieces and its economy is crippled. Russia is helping them less and less. SK has nothing to fear, except overheating from false flags in the Western Country heads. Just a question of time before NK begs to reunite with SK. These messages are waisting our time with overdramatization.

  • This is a fully planned WW they are about to try and start as they did in WW I and WWII. Its for profit and gain since their fiat system is about to collapse and this is how the bankers hold it up for another 40 to 60 years until it starts to collapse again.



    • Totally agree. You would make Maj General Smedley Butler proud. People should listen to the reenactment of the General’s great speech……included below.

      War is a racket –

      • I just read someone else comment on Smedley Butler and looked him up on wiki. He is definately an American Hero that not too many people know about… but should.

  • Why do these photos look like they are 30 years old?

    Seriously, look at the air planes. Those old pieces of shat dont stand a chance against anything from our current era.

    • Thirty? Try FIFTY.

      • Actually, go to wikipedia, the NK has MiG-29s in stock, downgraded versions for export from Russia. Do a little bit of research instead of relying on old photos. They also have subs. Not a match for some ships, but it cost the ROK a ship 2 yrs ago. Everyone thinks the NK will use long range missles. why? All they have to do is refit some freighters holds with launchers, sail them overseas and launch them when in range. Stop looking 2D, think outside the box. They know they cant aunch a massive attack with ICBM’s, but put a dozen at sea, mix a few conventional ones with them so no one knows which ship is hot vs a reg one, can force US not to retaliate against NK with nukes or else, then it becomes a conventional war. they have 4th largest army in world, all citizens are required to serve in military like Israel. Can it be done, yes. Will it? we’ll see.

    • the usa hasnt won a war for over 60 years – and thats against countries with no airforce, navy or army.

  • Is the war with East Eurasia or Oceania, I forgot? 1984. ……

  • What’s with the old ass stock photos of korean jets?

  • This will be the catalyst needed to bring about the power grab our own government will need to reshape our lives and take control. You will see a limited exchange of nuclear weapons, a collapse of our economy, and DHS taking control. A one world government will step in to “Save the day” and life as we know it will be history. I make a prediction that it will happen before the end of March.

    I could be wrong.

    • This could be planned as on syfy channel on Sunday the night before his threat they showed 3 movies. Each one had a common theme. winter, methane gas coming up from the ground, nuclear missiles. They used the nukes to blow various areas to cover the ground better so the methane would stop leaking out.

      I figure that since methane is leaking out of the San Fran bay Obama made a deal for him to nuke on that very spot to seal the methane leak then he can finish bankrupting us. It may back fire and hit the Hoover Dam thus shutting down electric in several states thus causing famine. I may be wrong but probably not. Then again Obama has to be in Israel between the 20th to 22 and on 3/22 Obama will announce he is the anti Christ and announce himself as the New World leader, actually that might be a good time to be out of town if your right, gotta go the nurse just brought my meds :lol:

  • have you ever thought north korea is not playing games?
    i have told ahead on kim jong II for years
    the native art depics north korea as the one who begins ww#3
    they are in their right to do so as the usa acts like cops of earth and that is not their job
    it is even in stone prophesy that the missile is seen there
    but everyone rejects the man who has his face on the mountain.

  • Even if I do not like this totalitarian regime which is the epitome of a military regime (and show that they do not respect human rights), the best is just to leave them alone since one day soon they will collapse by themselves. They are perhaps worried that they will be attacked and hide until they feel safer. This article is just a pile of ridiculous propaganda full of hatred. There is not even a proof that war is coming. NK does not represent a threath to world peace, even if they can launch one nuclear missile to hit one city. They can only launch one at a time and before they can do it, it will take ages. They are just flexing muscles to tell us that if you invade them, they will stike and injure one badly enough. That is called a deterant. Leave them alone. They should be the one fearing the USA which have attacked so many countries since WWII. It is time that USA stops its madness and use a real Christian approach if they really are a Christian land.

    • Maybe we should NOT have sent grain to the north and this little Hitler may be crumbling. His people are starving whilst he builds nuclear arms to TRY and intimidate the West. One can only hope an meteor comes crashing down on him. What a leader NOT!

      • maybe you should mind your own business and leave other countries alone and your own country wouldnt be in the mess it is.

  • It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out why North Korea has been so defiant about their nuclear weapons development. They wanted them before they invade South Korea for the second time as a deterrent to anyone else (i.e., US) using them.

    We should not have our troops in harm’s way in South Korea, they will not last a day against a million man army from the North, and we should not be playing playground monitor for the rest of the planet.

    • Saddam HAD a million man army…..these days bodies don’t count that much

      • and the war is still going in iraq, with NO army. loser.

      • Never thought about that star – good point.

      • five4ty7am

        ever look at the terrain of north korea vs. the terrain of iraq?

      • usa has already lost a war against north korea

  • Is it time for the North Korea Event, which was supposed to come first, before the Iraq Event that was supposed to come last?

    Let the games begin.

    And with that, may I once again raise a toast to Mirthful Irreverence Everywhere with a chaser of Irony Pills.

  • Anonymous

    REALLY WANT to know?? their starving population,is tired of not having food,and their tired of watching their children starve to death because american and UN backed banks have cut off their abilty to feed the civilian population of north korea,and the news people,who are owned by the queen whore drug dealer of england, will never admit its americas fault,BUT our lord knows who’s fault it is,and he has warned america to STOP harming the children,and he didn’t mean just american children either,HE MENT “ALL CHILDREN”,no matter what country they live in……..BUT due to the spreading stupidity of americans and their death wish they were taught in public schools,NORTH KOREA will attack pearl harbor and hit them with two nuclear weapons,SO SAYS THE LORD,and it will kill “106,000″ americans in seconds,BUT hey, keep killing the children of the world and find out what the lord does to you for it,OUR LORD has lots of bad things he does to a nation of killers that loves to kill children,and who refuse to listen,and america is about to find out what that is….AMERICA WORSHIPES HATE ,DEATH,AND WAR,well right now they do,thats going to change here real soon when they see the blood of their own family draining out on the sidewalk in front of their house…………..

  • These nuts will probably attack south Korea. Forcing the US to the fight and then Iran and Russia will step in. Its in theie best interest to annihilate the US. Then japan, taiwan and all those islands in dispute, will belong to China!

  • If north koreans are starving, blame their government! The rich get richer and like iran and other crazy governed countries, they spend billions in military as their citizens starve. And no one in these countries has the balls to eliminate the radical, crazy nut president.

  • This kind of action is used as a last resort. I believe that Kim will attack SK once he has the civilian populace where he needs them. Imagine for a moment that your kids are starving and the only food you can find is a human corpse? How disgusting we really are. There is no other species on our Earth that does what we do to ourselves; we sit in front of our computers typing opinions but how many I wonder, have actually helped a homeless man/woman or girl/boy? I know I haven’t, well, not in the last 6 months at least, it makes me feel disgraceful. Here I sit in warmth, over-fed and watered with loads of options as to what I might or might not do. People who starve, live on the streets, have only two main options – live or die. The hypocritical (of which we are the majority) will say derogatory things like “It’s their own fault” or “If they worked, they wouldn’t be in this state would they?” I have a brother somewhere, he lives on the streets because he has no pride or ego to flaunt! He once told me that his experiences with people from all walks of life, taught him that humility was a secret to living to the full. If this Kim decides that he has had enough of the US parading around as though they owned the world, I guess it will be the beginning of the end.
    Only love will win through in the end and my hope is that our race will rise at the right moment, and stop these atrocities once and for all…you’ve had your fun, it is now time to put those childish things away and become adults.


    • five4ty7am

      someone who really gets it. you are, unfortunately, a very rare find. perhaps one day the like minded shall join us and we can push this mess into the past. love is our only chance, one day they will all see.

      • Kum bay ya, my Lord, kum bay ya;
        Kum bay ya, my Lord, kum bay ya;
        Kum bay ya, my Lord, kum bay ya,
        O Lord, kum bay ya.

  • Just another leader who has pulled the wool over the eyes of his people. Sound like anyone wee know? Can you imagine being forced to live in a tunnel eating who knows what and being told it is for your survival? NOT ME!! It will not surprise me when they are all found dead from lack of food and water and sanitary conditions or gassed because they all got sick from some underground virus.
    If every household had a gun or two and ammo in NK this would not be happening. That is where we are headed if we do not wake up, just like NK. We can not save the whole damned world. America bring our troops home and save our country first!!! :idea:

  • Keep on pushing them and look out…………………………

  • They are just saber rattling again… We should stop waiting for them to do anything because as Mr. Ed Parker once said:

    “He who hesitates, meditates in a horizontal position”…

    We should strike them first and knock out any type of offensive weapons they may want to use against us…

    I am a big believer in striking first if you know that you are going to get into a fight, then at least get off the first round…

  • China uses the Norks as their pit bull chained to the back door. Of course, if you approve the them, then keep shopping at Wal-Mart and other fine stores that sell Chicom junk :cry:

  • All HYPE! FEAR MONGERING excercises!

  • One nice EMP and they are toast.

  • RUSS…so, you have the corner on what is HIP, NOW AND CURRENT, huh?…well, let me give you an F.Y.I., PAL…

    do humans still crap in the toilet?…do they still wear shoes?…do they still eat meat and vegetables?…do they still use fire as a way to burn and cook things, and do you still put your shoes on when you go out for the day?…right…well, life goes on…and, if you can quote your occult books and your philosophy books and your religious books of Eastern Mysticism, then, I think the Scriptures of the HOLY BIBLE, have just as much RELEVANCE, TODAY, as any of those aformentions.

    No.2 – you are not the centre of the Universe…so, what you think or believe, has no RELEVANCE, necessarily, on TRUTH or REALITY.

    No.3. – Let’s just say, that the BIBLE is THE WORD on life, okay…then, if, perchance, I am right about that…you have alot to learn and alot to lose…if I AM RIGHT.

    No.4 – With that in mind – read Isaiah 9 : 6 & 7.

    Oh, read further down and then watch Harbinger – the Movie.

    Then, come back and give me one of your knowledgeable dissertations.

    • AxisOfEvil

      No. 1: People didn’t have toilets in biblical times

      No. 2: Neither are you, so his opinion is as relevant as yours.

      No. 3: I like that you at least say that you might not be right. I respect the openness.

      No. 4: That’s the same as reading Little Red Riding Hood; good moral at the end, but both are fairy tales.

      You’re welcome :twisted:

    • You get LAID yet?


  • Major Ed Dames says this is it, N Korea dropS a nuke, then the SHTF killshot by the SUN, game over……………..nice, some real doom

  • poop I say. POOP

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