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Proxy war started against Iran? Israel, US decide to oust all Iranian forces from Syria

Wednesday, March 29, 2017 16:04
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~~Note: There are unknown numbers of Iranian troops inside Syria fighting against ISIS. Hezbollah is also comprised of some Iranians, and is known to be funded by Iran. Israel has made several fighter jet attacks against Hezbollah forces in Syria, claiming they were hitting the transport of arms from Iran to Hezbollah that could be used against Israel in the future from Lebanon. Those claims were refuted by Syria the past few months. But, it wasn’t until Israel hit deep inside Syria near Palmyra – and bombed the Syrian army, that the claims for that last attack were soundly rejected as false.

  This new agreement could allow the US forces to target Iranian forces in Syria which could lead to a war against Iran. This new policy may also cause Hezbollah to withdraw from the partnership with Syria in fighting against ISIS. George Eaton


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  • Desde quando os USA “coordenam” alguma coisa na Siria ? São invasores, estão lá para apoiar o exército de mercenários que chamam de ISIS (-mais uma invenção da CIA-iSRAEL) para promover conflitos no Oriente Medio e permitir a realização do sonho do Grande Israel: ocupar as regiões produtoras de petróleo e gás… isso é fácil, não é mesmo ? Igual tomar bala de criança…

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