(Before It's News)
Wikileaks recently released documents showing the National Security Agency records every single phone call made in the Bahamas. This includes every personal phone call made from Oprah Winfrey, who owns a seaside mansion there.
The NSA is recording all phones calls made in the island nation as part of the SOMALGET program. Authorization for the spying was provided to the NSA as part an anti-drug campaign.
Wikileaks has announced they will soon release the name of a second country where the NSA is recording every phone call. Glenn Greenwald, the journalist who first broke the story of widespread domestic spying by the agency, said this new revelation could “lead to deaths.”
In addition to voice recordings, the newly-released documents show evidence of a new umbrella program called MYSTIC. That mission is aimed at recording all metadata of communications in the Bahamas. Kenya, the Philippines and Mexico.
In 2006, Oprah Winfrey endorse Barack Obama for president, before he declared for the office. Using her media empire, the billionaire entertainer helped put the Senator from Illinois into the Oval Office. Now, her phones are among those being tapped by the administration.
The document released by Wikileaks, detailing the SOMALGET program states, “With proper engineering and coordination there is little reason this capability cannot expand to other [areas].”