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By butlincat (Reporter)
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WikiLeaks posts the software governments use to spy on dissidents

Monday, September 15, 2014 20:55
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(Before It's News)

by Jon Fingas | @jonfingas | 11hs ago   

WikiLeaks truck

WikiLeaks’ all-or-nothing approach to revealing shady government activity just took a new (if decidedly risky) turn. Julian Assange and crew have posted FinFisher and FinSpy PC, the intrusion software that Australia, Italy, Pakistan and other countries use to break into and spy on people’s devices, no matter what platform they’re running. The leak site hopes that privacy-minded developers will use the code to improve security and prevent governments from easily cracking down on dissidents; it also puts pressure on Germany to clamp down on FinFisher and live up to its anti-surveillance principles. The strategy may pay off, although there is a worry that unscrupulous downloaders may use the code for more sinister purposes, such as keylogging or webcam monitoring. Let’s hope the tools don’t fall into the wrong hands.
[Image credit: Scott Beale, Flickr]

see more:  “The Spy Files” =

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