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Popular talk show host and writer host Dave Hodges from The Common Sense Show joins Sheila for a riveting connection of the Rumblings in the Middle East, Russia, Syria, Obama, Gun Control, the TPP, Agenda 21. and the common denominator in the entire nefarious agenda. Is this World War 3?
Aggression … keeping you from Heaven … is SUCCEEDING … via staggering lies against Catholic Dogma.
Lies by a heretic cult … pretending and claiming to be the Catholic Church since 8 December 1965.
Undeniable proof including photographic > > >
Catholic writing of Romans 9:27 >
“If the number … be as the sand of the sea, a remnant shall be saved.”
Catholic writing of Saint James 2:10 >
“Whosoever shall … offend in one point, is become guilty of all.”
Hey other Mike …. this is total brain-numbing catholic satanic deception. God delivered my from the Catholic church when I was very young….. praise God.
Get ready for the globalists to throw us two antichrists and one christ, and all will be on their payroll –
blah blah blah.
“World III has begun”-do you mean the third world or the world war three?
Anyway,it doesn’t matter,I want to elaborate on the name Zilinski.There are two ways to distinguish between Polish and Jewish surnames:the Polish ones end with -ski and the Jewish ones with -sky(like Levinsky).The name Zilinski doesn’t exist in Poland,it would be either Zelenski or Zylinski.So what’s my point…it is very easy for the Jews to apear as Polish,they just change the last letter of their second names(like Zbigniew Brzezinsky-Brzezinski,voila!)and seem to have no Jewish roots,has any of you ever bothered to research on that?No,because why would you,Zilinski and Zilinsky is the same for you.So,finally I have got to the main point(sigh,sorry for the delay)…Sheila is a Jewish shill(Shilla lol)who is using Dave for her purposes(and those of Israel).Whether Dave is aware or not is another story…
Dave is most assuredly aware of it. Everyone in this group are “Christian Zionists”, no exceptions that I can tell. They think it a wonderful thing. Well you don’t get a pass to sin just because you “say” you are Jewish no matter what the guy in Texas says. Evil is evil and God will not bless that.
first you say WW3 has begun. then you say is this the start of WW3?
Great fearporn headline bTW. too bad that BIN doesn’t care if you publish fear that’s false or not. If you were in my profession, you’d be canned. But then again, my profession reports the truth.
I believe that WW-III has begun, but that fact will not be totally appreciated until we look back ( if we are able to).
Dave … appreciate your articles , however I have a bone to pick with you. Whenever I post on your website my comments are deleted evidently because I stress Planet X and want you to address the issue that is the driving force behind all of the current craziness. Am I off base here or have you and your family be threatened by the government as a national security issue and told not to reveal the imminence of Planet X? Please view the video “PLANET X CAUGHT IN HIGH ALTITUDE BALLOON LAUNCH FOOTAGE” STARTING AT 3:30 and note that the object of interest is below the ecliptic ….I then would appreciate your assessment …. thank you
Romans 10:13 KJV
For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
It’s amazing how many people love to complicate the simplicity of salvation. Think about it. Do you really think the God of the Bible would want to complicate something so important? Salvation is so simple, that a 6 year old child can understand it.
Salvation is so simply, that most will end up tripping over it straight into hell. Sad, but true. There’s a little pamphlet and article entitled “The Simplicity of Salvation.” If folks are really concerned about their souls, as they should be, then Google and read the article on what true biblical salvation is and ignore the rest of the claptrap out there.
God bless.
The Simplicity of Salvation -,%20Tracts%20&%20Preaching/Printed%20Books/Dr%20Jack%20Hyles/Salvation/simplicity_of_salvation.htm
Guests on the Common Sense Show display total lack of common sense. Guest says we should start a thermal nuclear war with a nuclear sucker strike on Russia and China. He says if Putin were US president their interview could not take place, which is easily disproved by the frequency of English speaking Russians commenting for or against Putin on the Internet.
I consider the Common Sense Show a Zio-Christian, Neo-Con propaganda platform intended to sway public opinion among the most severely mentally-challenged Americans.
Everybody know another war is coming and everybody is doing NOTHING about it. Are you that everybody? Then they got you right where they want you!
Mr. Hodges, I truly appreciate your articles and the quality of the predictions you make which have been correct on a consistant basis. You are truly enlightening the readers at BIN.
God Bless.
WW3 has already started and it is piecemeal, more on aspects of this……
Dave Hodges is a fat lying pig and just wants to pork sheilia zilinsky. Vladimir putin in no way is working for the jew bankers. That is a bold face lie!
Sheila was begging for money and sells sex on her logo days it all.