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Putin Planning To Release Evidence Exposing 9/11 As An Inside Job!!! (Video)

Tuesday, June 3, 2014 5:50
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(Before It's News)


(N.Morgan) In another stunning move by Vladimir Putin, he plans to release evidence that will prove the 9/11 False Flag was an inside job. As tensions between the U.S. and Russia remain at an all time high comparable to that of the Cold War, it seems that strong-armed Putin has had just about enough of Obama’s petty nuisances. Several analysts have recently speculated that to put Obama in his place once and for all, Putin was set to release evidence (i.e. satellite imagery) in his position that revealed the 9/11 terror attacks as an inside job.






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Total 49 comments
  • slamdance13

    Do we have to see the same stories everyday?

    • Groundhog Day!


      Cool story man!

      This is what CHESS wrote:
      America, it’s people, it’s economy and it’s gay presidente as well as all the vets that were nialated by the Afghans during the war lost by America, has now been classified as “JUNK”, according to the South African National newspaper. This is hilarious to say the least.
      The obama administration wanted to setup a meeting with the South African honorable president and he was denied access to South Africa. They say that South Africa has only political ties with China, Russia, Brazil and India and requested that America and it’s president stay out of South Africa totally. Incidentally barrack Hussein gay Obama was denied access to Africa!
      Hilarious if you ask me. America is a looser in total and now the laughing stock of the world! There is NO respect for any American anywhere in the world at all, neither for the baby draw the red line president of America anymore!

      • Thank god,now we can stop sending our money and aid to the rest of the world.

      • Amen to that!!!

      • why do you just cut and paste so annoying freaking idiot get over it

      • Obama’s the Antichrist.

        Reveal it.

        Do it fast now.

  • Psychopaths , Satanists or Psychopathic Satanists.

  • I watched the entire video: THERE WAS NO MENTION, NONE, ZERO OF PUTIN???!!! :roll:



    • Agreed – not a single mention of Putin or him releasing info about 911 being a false flag. More ridiculous posting that just deteriorates the credibility of this site…

      • remember.. anyone can post on here ! you cant blame the site !

    • Dido nothing about Pres Fartin exposing 911 or Obama and besides it was the bush administration at the time…Their all puppets anyway regardless… Its a fight or a stupid card game who gets to take over the world and be the leaders of the slave planet. Its all for the birds Im going back to the SUN!!!!!

  • Up until about 2 years ago I would have said fake, well not anymore. The Saudi’s have infiltrated our political system along with planting Islamist terror cells through out the United States. Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the UAE are the prime financiers of Islamist terrorism through out the world, it’s all paid for with Petro Dollars. We should have let Saddam roll his army all the way to Yemen, we were fighting the wrong enemy back in the 90′s and 2000′s, we should have been supporting Saddam instead of destroying him.

    • its the Zionist filth who control America- not those targeted and framed b them. kick the sayanim out of here forever.
      oh- but didn’t fat boy tell us Arabs own Hollywood. lolol

      • Tommy

        The Zionists, Illuminati, all world leaders. They all are pawns for the Vatican. The Jesuits have infiltrated everything, and there scapegoat is the Zionist. The Jesuits believe in one world government and one world religion.

    • Saudi’s their AskeNAZI’s the British booted the real Saudi Royal Family out Decades ago..all work for Israel and the Rothschilds.

      Add in this Al-Sisi in Egypt who’s mother is an AsheNAZI also, just like the last PM of Iran..who of course only found out that he was an AshkeNAZI aka Jewish, after he was out of Office.

      Guess what Putin and Obama both Really are..thats right AskeNAZI’s also.

      The World is Being Played like in ww2..were Hitler..Stalin..Churchill and FDR were all AshkeNAZI’s..guess where the NAZI came from, YET !

      Hitler was a Rothschilds ( his grandmother got pregant by one..Hitlers father was the outcome a Rothschids)..Churchill’s mother was Jenny Jacobson..Stalin’s real last name was Jewison and FDR..his family changed their name to Roosevelt from Rosenfelt..

      Lke Kerry’s family who changed their name from Kohn..or Susan Rice, who’s both Parents are AshkeNAZI’s and she’s married to one.

      Putin..they can not even trace the name back past his Grandfather who was the cook for Stalin..Obama, come on now..that ain’t even his real Mother let alone his real Father.

      • You are absolutely spot on, the problem is the majority of humans have become clueless, and the few that do know, have been bought off or have been iced. We can only save our selves, all for one and everybody for them selves.

      • @ rahdnee

        And we know that all things work together for good for them that love God, for them who are the called according to His purpose.

      • Tommy

        The Zionists, Rothschilds all got there power from the Vatican. JESUITS!!!!!!!!!!!

  • If the information has not been released it will never be released. The same for UFO’s. Do people really think that the government would announce disclosure…Get a clue.

    • NewIDTest

      “Get a clue.”

      Now that’s funny!

  • This is such bull. Planning? Do it already if you got evidence. It’s going on 13 years and he’s planning on releasing evidence?

  • If he HAD the evidence, it would have been released by now from Putin anyways…

  • Quote from N. Morgan: (above)

    Several analysts have recently speculated that to put Obama in his place once and for all, Putin was set to release evidence (i.e. satellite imagery) in his position that revealed the 9/11 terror attacks as an inside job.



  • old stuff…BURP

  • Anonymous

    We are seeing some of the purported evidence, which I found interesting.

    But, when does Putin say he would release the evidence.


    • When he is told its time..think of all the leaders in the world as just 1..and all countries working towards the same 1 Goal..A Luciferian World..this is the Goal..when you realize that you will start to understand they are all really working together.

      Over throwing countries and replacing those who will not go along with the Goal.

      While killing as many Christians and Muslims ahead of time.

      This is all by Design.

      look at my comment above.

  • I don’t believe it,Putin is Jewish why would he turn on his people?

    • Inside job means Muricas MIC not Mossad. No mention is made of your personal Semitic – Anti-Semitic trashing of Murica in Muricans minds. Mention is only made of Murican patriotisms medical psychopathy.

  • If he does it means he withheld it thirteen years. It was Israel false flag on 9-11. Putin’s in the Israel Zionist mafia. People search for superman and get dictators. Expose 9-11 yourself.


  • Right, elephants, Iceland and ufo’s, there’s three subject, let’s see what shocking, jaw dropping story you can come up with.

  • THankyou ,, Miss Morgan .. Your so pretty , and you write very good I enjoy reading your stories best web site in America. :idea: :neutral: :cool: :grin: :eek: :shock: :sad: :razz:

  • …..and that of course, should put gw bush, right where he belongs, in the lime light and being arrested for treason, along with that evil dick cheney. :grin:

    • Yes, and that’s JUST the start…

  • Putin knows more about whats really going on in the world than you will ever hear on mainstream Western Media which is now totally controlled by the global elite(Illuminati).In fact we may get disclosure at last from Russia re ET technology, CIA and NSA false flag events such as 9/11, the Boston Bombiing; the assassination of President Kennedy because he was about to go public in exposing the world control of the Illuminati and their New World Order enslavement plan. All power to him as he controls the only nation that has the power to successfully oppose the Global Elites horrific plans for the people of the World.

  • Really, the vid don’t say anything about Pres Fartin exposing obama and 911 being an inside job. Whatever besides it would be bush not obama… Their all puppets anyway if they aint on a string then their like a self propelled lawnmower….LOL…. Hey at least you got to make video neato….

  • before its news is really sinking to new lows in disinformation,,,,,disgusting

    • BIN is just another MSM outlet..its a Corporation that refuses to tell you just who the Owners are..beforeitsnews inc.

      Look at stories by this person above, lisa haven, lyn leahz, live free or die, etc. all trying to move you in one direction, away from Israel and the Rothschilds.

      Go to lyn he has a seperate section on his website to support Israel, lisa haven stories are on it also.

      You can see who the CEO is and his resume on jim stone freelance/forums even they had a hard time finding it, they said.

  • Anonymous

    Judging by most of the posts on here I’d say that the majority are Bush worshipers and don’t believe Pukin.

  • If 9/11 happened in spite of all the intelligence available then we can arrive at ONLY ONE CONCLUSION – it was ALLOWED to happen or it was ENCOURAGED to happen or it was PLANNED TO HAPPEN. The last is the most PLAUSIBLE one.

  • any other news about what Putin thinks about or any other sort of BS? :mrgreen:

  • Nuclear weapons used on 9/11? Seriously? Care to explain why there was no EMP, which would have killed all powered electronic devices on the lower half of Manhattan Island (at least). I’m still baffled by the ignorance regarding the strength of steel when subjected to high temperatures due to burning jet fuel and the interior of the structure for only a short period of time.

    Then factor in the jets taking out large sections of the lattice outer structural supports, and eventually the remaining steel would not be able to support all the floors above the damaged area.

    I’m not arguing that everything happened like the media portrayed, because I doubt their accounts were even remotely true. I just know through my knowledge of metallurgy that the planes could have easily done the damage to bring the buildings down. The idea that the buildings were also fully wired at critical support locations, or rigged with a nuclear weapon, or any other far fetched idea is just not practical. I mean…. how did they make sure to wire the explosives at the exact spot the plane would hit, yet not damage the wiring for the shaped beam cutting explosives or the nuclear device?

  • jim

    Putin is a Pinkerton of the banksters. Just playing one side of the same coin.

  • Leo

    The Russian Federation and the Peoples Republic of China are fighting the New World order if one or both of these nations fall the New World Order Wins . Believe me or not . :cool:

  • To much speculation in he story that says putin will expose truth about 9/11 but what would change anyway when the govenment holds all those guns and the country is so full of cowards.

    Sure people have woken up but they don’t have the balls to take the government on but instead are milked of taxes to feed the terror state of isreal in return for a dogs bone.

    I long for the day to see GW-Bush executed for his part in 9-11

  • debunked by prison planet.

    still.. who knows, there could be something to it.

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