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The 9/11 Revelations

Tuesday, June 7, 2016 14:22
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(Before It's News)

My Fellow Americans

Do you feel frustrated, helpless, and angry?

I would like to call on our Armed Forces to reclaim America; seize Capitol Hill and the White House.

Bush Sr. Bush Jr., their staff, Bill and Hillary Clinton, their staff and Barack Obama and George Soros all need to be sent to The Hague for crimes against humanity, terrorism and murder. Our Military Generals need to instill Martial Law. Every member of Congress that has had more than four terms needs to go. Please start with the longest term members first. This needs to be phased over 8 years.

Our borders need to be secured. If you have been in this county for five years and can prove your work history and if you are not a felon then we should take a complete set of biometrics and provide you with citizenship. If you have been here for less than 5 years then you need a green card, biometrics, employment verification, and a sponsor. If you are a felon or criminal from another country then you need to be deported back to you country immediately; Do not come back to the U.S.

America needs to feel safe again. The Hispanic population may compete with our jobs but they have never caused a problem with national security. I applaud the Hispanic population.

Our government needs to stop destroying other countries’ and start rebuilding our country. We need an America First mentality. The .01% are using the 99% of American’s as pawns. This needs to stop, immediately.

With homeless people on every corner, people over-worked and under paid it is obvious that we have a major unemployment problem across the U.S… No matter what the news lies about. Most of our jobs have been sent out of this country because of greed. The unions got greedy, the workers got greedy, the CEO’s and boards got really greedy and so they created NAFTA ,and all the other trade agreements so the 01% could get even more money; we all screwed America for greed.

It’s time to restore our country, our government, our education, our medical and our infrastructure.

It is our time as the 99% to take back our country, not sell it to the highest bidder, turn socialist or put on a TV Show. This is America; let’s restore our garden. We need another Reagan, not another disaster. We can do Better.




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