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Monday, April 6, 2015 17:35
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General MARTIN E DEMPSEY IS THE U.S. SOLE MILITARY DICTATOR; as 0BAMA IS YOUR NATIONS SOLE OVERALL DICTATOR!  This is the VERY FACE OVER YOUR Military Dictatorship: who has all final Word on ALL MILITARY MATTERS, and only Responsible to Answer to your President (who by the way, also Personally Hand Selected/Appointed him over the Military)!  You Are Doomed!  MAKE VIRAL!


This is the face of the Military Evil “Controller” and “Order” to bring the military into the American streets.

General Martin E. Dempsey IS THE TOP #1 Commander OF ALL US Forces In the World!  If you ever wondered “Who” is the Honorable/Dishonorable Head of all the Military Forces today, and “Who Ordered” and “Created” the military “Jade Helm”; and allowing All this Illegal and Unconstitutional Criminal Activity going on within our Military; well, you now know his name.  Remember, this very Top Military officer in the US Military WAS APPOINTED BY THE PRESIDENT HIMSELF, so WHAT DO YOU EXPECT PEOPLE….?  He has NO equal, nor has to explain/consider one single decision he does to anyone, but the President himself!?  He is THE single handed Military Dictator, who personally has 100% Control off ALL Troops!  So this IS what the FACE OF the “PHYSICAL MILITARY POWER” looks like; Who also sits RIGHT NEXT to your President on the Limited Power Structure Inside to White House! (Wow, one person who orders 100% of all military actions (or should I say Limited and/or Criminal Actions).  HE IS THE VERY “Physical Strongarm” Dictatorship who orders all “his” (not yours) US Military Troops to put weapons to your heads, and use all his power to subdue your nation and all its citizens.  This is the face of our decline of power; and will be Dictator Obama’s 2nd in Command; because he who “Orders and Controls” its military forces, is more powerful then any Vice President, Senator or Congressman.



Is this a Honorable or Dishonorable Salute to our Nations Security?

Original Story Creation by Rob – The 21st Century Paul Revere! Share but please link and give credit to this original story for all the work that went into it.

General Dempsey’s title position is called “Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff”. and our current President Appointed this High Treasenous, Dishonorable cowardly oath taker, and has openly wiped his behind with the US Flag, our Consitution, disreguarded all Printed Laws, and follows every illegal order given to him by his boss, our current President.  How can a nation have a traitor to our nation, who refuses to follow his oath, Constitution, and all printed laws against “Protecting” our nation and its citizens?  You see it on a daily basis and now you physically know who is the Top #1 military Commander NAME “Ordering” all the military troops below him to do “AS HE ORDERS”.  It is his very order(s) that each uniform member in the military follows; regardless how illegal they are.  I still do not understand why not one story ever exposed his name for being “THE MILITARY STRING PULLER” for the President, and Directs ALL the military actions, targets (or non-targets), personnel, planning, etc. 

So all the military intergration you see going on inside our land is 100% ORDERED BY GENERAL DEMPSEY, and DEMPSEY ALONE!  If he was honorable, don’t you think he’d say “No”, because its Illegal?  Now do you know why the Military will NEVER EVER help our freedom, nor our Constitution or citizens?  He was hand picked by the President, who is destroying our nation, and this is the person who 100% “Controls” the entire military complex.  It is NOT ONLY Jade Helm, But each and every single military action done, and being created WILL BE BY THIS GENERAL!  IT CAN NOT BE ANYONE ELSE!

Now do you understand why ISIS is not being engaged as it should?  Now do you understand why the military are illegally taking action on our very own soil?  Now do you understand why our previous friendly nations have turned their backs to us?  Now do you understand why personnel have left our once proud military?  Now do you understand who is the military dictator that will be running the FEMA camps, and all military to shoot and harm you? 

You see, our nation was formed to have “Checks and Balances”, yet, your top military “Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff” taken a vow and “Oath” to follow all printed laws, from our Constitution, so not one person like today, is turning our nation into a full blown “Sole Dictatorship”.  Whenever you have a “Enemy” of the Constitution, like a General Dempsey, who just happened to be hand selected by the same very own President; now this “Friend” of the President now is “Controlling” ALL THE MILITARY FORCES Throughout the World.  This action of hiring a “like minded/goal endgame Friend” means that ALL LAWS CAN JUST BE IGNORNED, and like we have today, our Government does just exactly whatever they want; regardless whatever any law says. 

If the U.S. had a “Honest” Honorable independent General in this position, who will say “No Sir, that is Illegal”, our nation could remain strong.  That is how the Constitution and Laws WERE supose to have worked to keep our nation out of one person’s hands.  But now we all see that our nation has been “Sold” out by a criminally corrupt head of the military, who values power (and my thoughts, I believe somewhere he has a secret bank account with unlimited funds) to continue to ignore printed laws, and do whatever the President Orders him to.

Can you imagine how the 10s of millions US military veterans who lost their lifes protecting our nation, feel by having a High Treasonous General at the head of the military?  I bet you they are all rolling over in their graves, and will be pay him back for all of his criminal action(s) he is doing while hiding/wearing his uniform.  

General Dempsey HAS systematically been dismantling our nations strenghts and straight out ignoring all printed laws by turning our military into our very own nations streets?  Imagine that – so turning the military on to its very own citizens.  For all this to have happened was in no way by accident.  Like any criminal act they want to break, they calcuate and knowingly do one action at a time so the masses do not notice their plan on what their endgame criminal act is.  If it was by pure accident, they would not have stratigically dismantled just the right one action after the other, after the other.  Clearly is this was a long term staged endgame approach, and none of this by any odds could have been by chance.  The endgame we all see and know is the very overthrow of our nation, into a nation like North Korea; with the current President as our Roman Ruler God “Caligua”, or “Ceazer”.  Your president has removed all the Congress and Senate’s power, by his pen, and has hand selected his friend, General Dempsey over the military because he will follow all orders to the letter; so clearly, General Dempsey is a major player in your nations transformation from freedom into slaves, and is a major “Domestic Enemy” against our nation and its people.

Anyways, I just wanted everyone to know who the U.S. Military #1 Top Officer General WHO IS DIRECTLY ORDERING ALL THE ILLEGAL MILITARY ACTIONS going on within the Miltary Today.  Just complaining or talking in general DOES NOT change anything; but maybe now by placing a name of WHO IS DOING IT!  Maybe now all Freedom Lovers of your Nation all now have the Name of your Countries Military leader who has started each and ever very order given to down the chain of command.  It all starts here and to me, General MARTIN DEMPSEY is a true high treasonous traior to your Nation, your Flag, your Constitution, and has betrayed your nation like no other traitor in the history of your nation. 

We all learned that Benedict Arnold was the worst traitor in our history, but remember, he wasn’t paid for many months by the US and was the only reason why he did what he did.  To me, the actions of General Dempsey is far worse then what happen then Arnold.  Arnold only gave information to the enemy while General Dempsey has “Soul Out” our nations security and his position of our entire nations military over to a President that is doing all he can to destroy our once proud nation.  (By the way, General “Be-Tray-Us” was found guilty and did eactly what Benedict Arnold did; gave secrets to a possible enemy, yet Petraus pleaded guilty, and no other actions by General Dempsey or by Law.  Think about it…)

To me, since we are technically at a “War”, General Dempsey needs to be removed from office, tried in a open public war criminal court trial.  If found guilty, needs the most severe action(s) imposed during the “Wartime” position we are in by US Legal Printed Law.  This is the only way our nations people can again have faith in our governmental system, and anything less is again criminal to our citizens and nation. 

So doesn’t the entire military actions come right down to it from the very top #1 officers decisions; who is General Martin E Dempsey?  The military DOES NOT have a board to hold elections on what to do.  Just like every corporation, ALL MILITARY decisions comes down to the “single owner” of it; and General Dempsey just happens to currently “own” and “control” each and every single military member in uniform.  If he wants them all to start pink uniforms and orders it, it will happpen.  There is no military member higher then him in any military uniform.  The military power stucture is President, who is the “Commander in Chief”, and the #2 military “Man” is “Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff”; which is General Martin Dempsey (who again, “just happened” to be “hand selected by the current President).”  So people, what does that tell you?  Do you really think anyone would “Hire” a enemy; or does it make more sense to “Hire” a friend who will do whatever you ask?  HELLO US CITIZENS!  Below him is each military branch of service heads, aka Army, Air Force, Navy, Marines, Coast Guard, etc… 

Photo – Undercover US Military Black Ops Personnel Driving Down US City Chicago Streets!  Real Folks!

NOTE:  This is my personal opinion, feelings and beliefs, which my be wrong.  I leave it open to each one of you to think for yourselves if he plays a role in our nations decline. 

Ensure you pass this information on to everyone you know and make viral.  If you’d like, contact your local, state or federal  government officials, or make military inquiries, on how you feel they are doing (good or bad).

General Dempsey’s facebook page:

Wikipedia page:

Military page


Here is a 2012 Story about Gen Martin Dempsey:



© 2012

No wonder an overwhelming majority of service members will be voting against Barack Hussein Obama this year. That is, if their votes get counted.

Part of the reason morale is low is because of that little weasel, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Martin Dempsey.

The ultimate ass-kissing “political officer,” Dempsey “takes care” of his high-ranking pals while trying to destroy the careers of better men than he. A case in point is LTC Matt Dooley. More on him later on in this story.


A good example of Dempsey’s blatant double standard of justice is his attempt to get his pal, former Africa Command boss, Gen. William “Kip” Ward, out the back door, retired as a full four-star general. This, despite Ward being nailed in a Department of Defense I.G. investigation as having “engaged in multiple forms of misconduct related to official and unofficial travel.”

You see, dear readers, “Kip” likes to travel like a potentate, and he took his wife Joyce along for the ride.

They ran up huge bills on the Govt. tab. During a refuel stop in Bermuda, the general and his well-fed frau stayed in a $750-a-night hotel suite. The room service tab was as much as some Americans make in a week (take-home pay).

When wifey wanted to go on shopping expeditions to all the top stores in the Washington, D.C. area, five-vehicle caravans were laid on for Mrs. Ward, so she could travel in comfort and style.

Just think what would happen to an enlisted member or junior officer if they were caught wasting taxpayer’s money in such a fashion.


But rank has it privileges, and Dempsey doesn’t want Ward to lose a star before he retires. You see, there’s a pesky regulation the little people have to obey, something about an officer only being able to retire “in the last grade satisfactorily held.” No way in hell can Ward’s protectors spin his conduct as a four-star as being “satisfactory.”

There’s big bucks at stake here. If Ward goes out as a three-star, the poor fellow loses some $26,000 a year in pension money. Without loss of rank, “Kip” would rake in $236,650 a year after retirement.

Now, to an honorable man, versus the craven Obama bootlicker and beady-eyed rodent that is Dempsey.


LTC Matt Dooley taught a course on Islam at the Joint Force Staff College in Norfolk, Va. His material was deemed “offensive” to Allah, and so, mindful of who the present commander-in-chief is, Dempsey dropped the hammer on Dooley’s head.

The tiny terror even went on C-Span and blasted the light colonel, despite the fact Dempsey is unfit to shine Dooley’s jump boots.

If anybody should be fired, it is this wizen-faced phony. Dempsey needs to go, and he will, if Obama doesn’t slide back into the White House for a second term.

Please share these stories but please link TO THIS STORY so the Original Patriot Writter/Creater gets credit for this Posting!  Rob – The 21st Century Paul Revere!


If you are a Freedom Lover, do you have a Plan on what to do once Martial Law starts?  The below link provides a honest approach what you can do to get the “We The People” power back from the out of control Government.  Freedom WILL happen if you know what to do once the time comes.  Know this before the event so you have a safe plan for your family and community:



If you want to read more about the deep rooted Criminally Corrupt 400+  Generals and Admirals, who “claim” to have been “Fired” by Obama, read the stroy below.  If this was so, why do not they NOT ever once gather, march, speak to the media AS A GROUP IN WASINGTON DC?  Did they each also performed illegal orders while wearing the uniform?  Read this about your criminal military leaders:


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