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Small Bible Handbook. From Erasmus Of America – April 6, 2015 – 5:28 Pm

Monday, April 6, 2015 17:00
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  Inline image 1   Inline image 1   Image result for LAST DAY BIBLE PROPHECIES    Image result for LAST DAY BIBLE PROPHECIES 
     There are explanations of some key Bible verses that are not as simple as they appear at first. Proverbs 13:22: “The wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just.” Since this has not happened yet, logic and common sense says that this should happen first before Jesus Christ returns to earth.” In potential confirmation of this interpretation, Pastor Dan Of Nigeria who resurrected from the dead at a Reinhard Bonnke Crusade in Nigeria three days after officially dying in 2001 said he had two messages from the hereafter from Jesus Christ in Paradise. First, Jesus Christ was soon returning to the earth and the Christians were not ready for His return. And before Jesus returned, the wealth of the wicked would be transferred to the righteous on earth. Logic would indicate so that the righteous could fulfill Matthew 24 that the Gospel would be preached all over the earth before Jesus Christ returned . They would finance this to happen since the churches have not been aggressive enough to do this right before the return of Jesus to earth.
     Jesus prophesied in the parable of the son of the king having a wedding banquet would have guests brought in from the rejects of society to replace many of the originally invited guests who would logically belong to churches but could not take time away from their worldly pursuits to bother with the return of Jesus for the wedding ceremony of the Church to Him.  Then it was left  up to the rejects of society to fill in for the number of guests to be invited to the wedding ceremony who had not already been supplied by the regular churches from their church memberships on earth. Early Christianity such as St. Augustine and others thought the reference to the Camp of the Saints in Revelation was a Roman culture reference to a fortified military camp so powerful composed of the most elite of Jesus Christ that the armies of the world would be required to even attempt to try and defeat it in warfare. Back when the Book of Revelation was written by St. John the Divine, camp meant in Roman terms a fortified location such as Roman legionnaires would put up when creating a defensive position in hostile foreign land designed to not be taken by the enemies of Rome. It did not refer to Boy Scout camps back in that time.
     Many Christian scholars do not do enough detail study in Bible scholarship and jump to conclusions that do not match the facts when carefully checked out. Some Christian elements jumping the gun in conclusions without adequate research are those claiming that Constantine the Great changed the Christian worship service from Saturday to Sunday and those Christians who worshipped on Saturday instead of Sunday had the “mark of the beast” for worshipping on Sunday instead of Saturday. Many early Christian writings remark that since the early days of Christianity the churches made Sunday their main worship day instead of Saturday in order to honor the resurrection of Jesus Christ on Sunday which they often referred to as Jesus resurrected on the eighth day and to honor that, they set up Sunday as their main worship day to honor the resurrection of Jesus from the grave proving that Jesus is the prophesied Messiah and Savior for all the human race who would accept Him and His New Covenant with God offered by His sacrifice on the cross for their sins. But for those trying to resist the early Christian writings, two places in the New Testament mention that Sunday was the main worship day of the Christians from the time of the Apostle Paul onward. These are Acts 20, verse 7 and 1 Corinthians `6:1-2 which refer to the churches using the “8th day” as the main day of their weekly Christian worship service.
     Wasn’t it laying it on a bit thick claiming that the Roman Catholic Church (and Greek Orthodox Catholic!) was the church of the Antichrist for teaching Christians that they should have their main worship service on Sunday versus the previous Saturday of the Jews?!! Christians could also worship on other days of the week, but the New Testament in verses quoted above says that their holy communion and their day of collection of offerings (gatherings) were weekly done on Sundays as their main weekly day of worship each week. The Roman Catholic Church is not perfect, but neither is it the monster that some overzealous but not accurate scholars display as the “Babylonian Harlot” of Revelation. Jesus said that His Church would still be on the earth when He returns the first time. In case you didn’t notice it, Jesus returns once like lightning and once slowly with His Army seen in the sky descending to earth for battle against the evil of mankind on earth.  
     My mother’s side of the family claimed to have the hereditary gift of prophecy and maybe even descended from the St. Jude who wrote the Epistle in the New Testament and was of the brethren of Jesus Christ. The family coat of arms seems to match the account of the special physical feature the Roman Emperor noticed of the two grandsons of St. Jude who persuaded him to stop the persecution of the Christians in the Roman Empire back then. This event made the two grandsons heroes to Christians across the Roman empire in the early days of Christianity.This event is mentioned both in Roman and Christian history for that era of time! It really happened!
     If I am correct, Wash., D.C. is the prophesied Babylon the Great of Revelation having killed more people total on earth than all other governments on earth for the last 6,000 years combined. The Communist Revolution in Russia and the Nazi takeover of Germany were both financed from America with Wash., D.C. support. And that is only the tip of the iceberg how much of mankind Wash., D.C. has really killed on earth including killing off apparently billions of humans by suppressing my father’s Vatican endorsed industrial food process the Vatican, Soviet Union, and other sources across the world endorsed as the greatest food discovery in human history and could solve the twin problems of starvation and malnutrition in the world. My father’s great food discovery shown in the Bible in Bible Code in the Old Testament how it is done has been suppressed from the American and world world market for around 60 years now and Wash., D.C. did this for world population control and other evil reasons I will not list here. Obama has been savagely fighting trying to block the reestablishment of this Vatican endorsed industrial food process such as blocking it when I had a commitment  a few months ago of $400 million to reestablish my father’s trade secret industrial food process in America and the rest of the world. And just this last Saturday, apparently one of Obama’s boys just delivered a murder threat on behalf of Obama on someone related to me if I tried to reestablish my father’s Vatican endorsed industrial food process now or tried to pass my proposed Omni Law now which opens the door to reestablish this great food discovery in America and the world. And you the American people support this Obama who is an utter abomination before God at this time!
      And yes, I know answers in Bible prophecy probably not known to others. Remember the family gift in prophecy! As President Roosevelt said in a fireside chat on radio on Dec. 8, 1941, the attack on Pearl Harbor Dec. 7 was also an attack by Nazi Germany which required this attack as the price of military alliance with Imperial Japan. American intelligence knew this. Now military history. The Japanese Imperial Fleet left port to attack America Wash., D.C. time until Nazi Germany surrendered to the Gen. Eisenhower Supreme Command Headquarters in France 1,260 days later which is the number of days prophesied in Revelation that the dragon government in Europe (Nazi Germany) would be at war until this world  war was over. That is half of the 7th week of Daniel tied up in this part of World War II. The Babylonian Harlot is hid in this wilderness. And is drunk with the blood of the saints. Communist Revolution, Nazi world war, killing off of billions of people by biological warfare in the form of the suppression of this Vatican endorsed, Soviet Union endorsed, and other major sources endorsed great food discovery that would have saved the lives of these billions of people killed off by suppression of this great God-given food prophesied in Exodus 23:25 which would cure their diseases and give them long life on earth. Pass my Omni Law shown on my website and you break the power of Babylon the Great to draw you into the greatest curses of God that any nation and race could ever face from God as warned by Revelation. I could say more, but this will do for now!
Now meaning of some numbers as used in Bible prophecy: 1. Unity 2. Separation,Division 3. Resurrection such as in John 2:19-22 4. First Creation, Work 5. Grace 6. Satan and his influence 7. To Finish, Complete, Perfection 8. New Birth (the word “born) occurs 8 times in John 3:3-8 where Jesus explains the new birth to Nicodemus)  9. Fruits Of The Spirit (nine gifts of the Spirit of God listed inj 1 Cor. 12:8-11) 10. Law Such as In Ten Commandments 11. Judgment Such As Eleven Judgments On Egypt In Days of Moses  12.Divine Authority, rule, Or Power Such As Twelve Apostles, Also Incarnation Of Jesus Christ, Virgin Birth. 13. Sin, Evil, Rebellion Such as 13 Evil Things Listed In Mark 7:21-23 14, Salvation,Deliverance Such as Israel Was Freed On 14th Day From Egyptian Bondage 15. Rest Such As Israel Was Freed On The 15th Day Of The Month 16. Love Is Described As Charity 16 Different Ways In Cor. 13:4-8 17.Victory Such As We Win Victory With Help Of God Over 17 Tests And Trials Listed In Romans 8:35-9  18. Bondage Such As In Luke 13 Where Woman Is Healed After Being Bound 18 Years 19. Faith Such As Faith Listed 19 Times In Romans 3:21- 5:2 In Discussion By Paul On Justification By Faith. Martin Luther Would Have Been Intrigued By This Angle To Bible Study! 20. Redemption Such As Children Of Israel Ransomed And Redeemed With Money At Age Of 20 (Exodus 30:12-14) 21. Excessive Sinfulness Such As 21 Wicked  Things About Mankind In The Last Days As Listed In II Timothy 3:1-5 22.Making Manifest Or Light Such As 22 Bowls For Oil In Exodus 25:31-34  23. Death Such As 23 Ways Before God Is Brought On Listed In Romans 1:28-32.  24. Priesthood Such As 24 Chief Men As Chief Priests In 1 Chronicles 24:1-9  25. Forgiveness Of Sins Such As King Jehoiachin of Judah Pardoned From Prison On 25th Day Of Month 30, Blood Such As Jesus Betrayed For 30 Pieces Of Silver  32. Covenant Such As 32 References In The Book Of Deuteronomy To The Abrahamic Covenant  40. Trial Or Tribulation Such As Children Of Israel Tried In The Desert 40 Years  42. Second Coming Of Jesus Before 42 Month Reign For Christians Who “Watch” For His Return As Jesus Commanded and After 42 Month Reign Of Beast To Put An End To The Wicked Rule Of Sinful Man On Earth  50. Jubilee of Israel And Outpouring Of Holy Spirit At Pentecost 70. Captivity And Return Of Israel 70 x 7 Is Israel’s Complete And Final Restoration lBy God  100.  Stands For The Elect Of  God And Election Of God. Bible Prophecy Appears To Use Special Numbers! Also, Bible Code Discovered By Bible Scholars Is Thousands Of Bible Prophecies Hidden In Bible Based Upon Equidistant Spaces Between Hebrew Letters Spells Out Such As Hitler, Napoleon, American Leaders, Jewish Leaders, And Supplies Historical Data About Them And Events Associated With Them. This Defies Odds Of Even Billions To One For These Hidden Bible Prophecies To Exist Throughout The Old Testament. I Also Discovered Same Type Code Worked For New Testament But In Greek Code Instead. For Example, My Name To My Amazement Appeared In Greek Code In Two Prophecies of Jesus Christ About His Chief Steward He Would Have On Earth Just Before His Return To Earth. Well, if Jesus had a cousin announce His first coming to earth, maybe Jesus uses the descendant St. Jude cousin line of Jesus to announce His soon second coming to earth soon. Strange!
      Another Time If People Interested, May Add Second Small Bible Handbook On The Meaning Of Names And Sayings In The Old Testament And New Testament. These Are Taken From The Ancient Aramaic Language And Culture That Jesus And The Apostles Were Raised In! In These Names And Sayings Is Stated Where The “Watchful” Christians Are At During The Prophesied World Tribulation And Where The “Lukewarm” Christians Are At During the Prophesied World Tribulation. St. Jerome Who Translated The Vulgate Version Of The Bible In The 4th Century Wrote On This Subject. It Is All In The Bible In Special Wording To Hide This Information From The “Heretics” As Bishop Hippolytus Explained Around 200 A.D. Matthew 24:28 Says In Coded Language Where The Watchful Eagle Christians Will Be At During The Prophesied World Tribulation. Hint: With Jesus, But Lukewarm Christians In Bad Trouble At Same Time! II Thes. 2:7 Tells Who Stops The First Would-be Antichrist From Being The Antichrist. The Apostle Paul Explained Real Meaning To First Christians And They Committed The Oral Explanation of the Apostle Paul To Written Around 200 A.D. The Christians Complete Their Mission With The Gospel All Over The World. Then The Real Antichrist Appears And Time Of World Trial And Judgment!
     I Wrote The Book “THE EARLY ROOTS OF APOSTOLIC CHRISTIANITY” Based Upon The Official First Writings Of Christianity By The Prominent Church Fathers and endorse for reading by serious Christians who want the flavor of what first official early Apostolic Christianity taught according to their own official Church writings from then. My book is shown on our website  Our email is Our mailing address for financial support and orders not placed through this website is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 . Make checks, etc. out to NIFI and tell us what the payment is for. We plan to pass our Omni Law shown on our national website. Full name of proposed constitutional amendment is “The Omnibus Civil Rights Act For America.” The enemies of Christianity have pulled many legal cons on the Christians and your leaders were too poor in scholarship or else strong leadership to stop these cons from taking away the legal rights of Christians and churches in America. For example, prayer and the Bible was fully legal under the U.S. Bill of Rights. When President Thomas Jefferson was proposing that the Bible and Watts Christian Hymnal be the two required textbooks used in all public schools in America, no objection from his best friend James Madison who wrote the proposed U.S. Bill of Rights ratified into national law. When James Madison became President of America, he fully approved of the Bible and prayer in all the public schools of America. I am sure that he knew the legal meaning of the U.S. Bill of Rights that he wrote which became the national law of America. Also, first U.S. Supreme Court decisions approved of the Bible and prayer for the public schools of America. The later U.S. Supreme Court took the Communist version of the U.S. Bill of Rights and then outlawed prayer and the Bible based upon the Marxist interpretation of U.S. constitutional law and bill of rights. The one on religion was merely saying that the federal government would not make any one church in America the official national church in America. The U.S. Supreme Court explained that in the early days of America. You have been conned out of your legal rights by lies and cons of the enemies of Christianity who think you stupid enough to fall for their legal lies! Pass our proposed Omni Law and we will restore legal integrity to the enforcement of the U.S. Bill Of Rights!
     Yours For God And Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name for that Christian leader who scares the other side bad enough that several times in the apparent name of Obama they have threatened me with murder or someone close to me if I do not drop pushing to have this Omni Law get passed as constitutional law in America as part of the U.S. Bill of Rights! Christians, time to stand up for Jesus and pass the Omni Law and now! The American people recapture control of Wash., D.C. once this is done!)  

NESARA- Restore America – Galactic News


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