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Oops, So Sorry? Heinz Apologizes After Ketchup Bottle QR Code Found Linked to Hardcore Porn Site

Saturday, June 20, 2015 10:11
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John Kerry probably had a good laugh at America’s expense with this one.

When a German man named Daniel Korell scanned the QR code on his bottle of Heinz ketchup, it definitely took him somewhere he was not planning to go. He thought he’d be taken to a contest page about designing his own ketchup label; instead he ended up on a hardcore porn website.

Thanks, Heinz!

TheLocal.De reported that the label contest actually ended last year, but instead of reserving the code until the ketchup bottles were out of public circulation, Heinz let the domain expire. It was then snatched up and replaced with porn.

Korell was taken to German porn site Fundorado.

Embarrassed and likely humiliated, Korell took to Facebook, writing: “Your ketchup really isn’t for under-age people. Even if the bottle was a leftover, it’s still in lots of households. It’s incomprehensible that you didn’t reserve the domain [web address] for one or two years. It really doesn’t cost the Earth.”

To make up for their goof, Heinz offered Korell a free bottle of ketchup and the ability to make his own label for it.

Gee, wonder what he’ll put on it. Will a free condiment ever wash the shame away?

Meanwhile, Fundorado offered Korell a year’s free subscription to its Heinz contest replacement porn site.

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