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Urgent Alert: >>dr. William Mount: >> Jade Helm – Why Now

Saturday, June 20, 2015 10:43
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William Mount
Jade Helm – Why Now
Fri Jun 19, 2015

Why is Jade Helm being conducted at this very moment.

Every piece of military hardware around the world will be
deployed by 1 September 2015 – a full world wide deployment.

Simply this - This Deluded Lucifer Nut Case, and his allies, believe
(according to all the predictions) that the Messiah is returning
13 September and they think they can shot his fleet down with
Missiles and Lasers.

Just watch the video.

Failing that these deluded Lucufarians plan to kill 90% of the world’s
Population between 2015 and 2025 and then build a temple to Lucifer
on the North Mount in Jerusalem and declare Lucifer as god in the
year 2032.

The Mormons believe that this is the time when the Evil will destroy
the Evil, after the war the Messiah will return and set up the
New Jerusalem in the center of what is left of the United States.

Well surprise, surprise, surprise – the time of the return of Jesus the
Messiah (Yeshua) is known only to the Father. Further – Lucifer does
not even know how the Universe is structured so how does he plan
to shoot down GOD with Lasers and Nukes?

Those who follow Lucifer are insane deluded freaks.

Jade refers to the Jade Rabbit
which is the goddess of the Moon
who will assist Lucifer

Helm - refers to the Earth inhabitants – the Helmet of Protection.

It gets more bizaar when you really listen to these world leaders.
I mean bizaar beyond belief.

For Example: The Red Dragon Family Ambassador just told a friend
of mine yesterday that the Dragon Family does not intend to fund and
real prosperity projects
because man is not mentally advanced to
understand them,
. In fact he stated they plan to kill 90% of humanity
in 3 years.

So this entire”Red Dragons Save The Planet” stuff
is pure unadulterated crap.

Please pray (Visualize) that all of Lucifer’s Plans to kill and destroy fall flat
on their faces.

The Video: Jade Helm – Why Now

Jade Helm – Why Now – YouTube
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount
NESARA- Restore America – Galactic News


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