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Fr. Pfleger via FB
via facebook
The following was released today by the Illinois State Rifle Association (ISRA):
“A pathetic and cynical slap at the civil rights movement” is how the ISRA is describing a lawsuit filed yesterday by a group of plaintiffs that includes renegade priest Michael Pfleger. The lawsuit contends that free exercise of the 2nd Amendment violates the civil rights of Black people living in Chicago. As a remedy, the plaintiffs seek to compel a trio of villages that have gun shops within their limits to adopt gun shop licensing schemes similar to that put in place by the City of Chicago. Oddly enough, Chicago has no gun shops within its borders. The Chicago regulations place a number of costly and inefficient requirements on gun shops which make it nearly impossible for retail gun sales to take place in the city.
Filing of this lawsuit is the latest addition to Pfleger’s theatrical repertoire which has included attempted storming of gun shops and wild-eyed calls for the “snuffing” of gun shop owners and pro-gun politicians.
“Pfleger isn’t kidding anyone,” said ISRA Executive Director Richard Pearson. “His intent is to run as many firearm retailers as possible out of business – plain and simple. We’ve come to expect this sort of nonsense from Pfleger. Nevertheless, we never cease to be amazed at the kooky assertions made by this guy. Now he’s claiming that the 2nd Amendment essentially infringes on the civil rights of Black people. I would love to hear Pfleger explain to the many thousands of lawful Black firearm owners in the state just how the 2ndAmendment infringes on their civil rights.”
in his posting FR. PFlegar says:
April 15 · Chicago, IL ·
I’m so tired of hearing people on FB upset about the Spike Lee movie title Chiraq….The killing in Chicago and around the Country by both Police and Black on Black crime is Unacceptable, and it’s real,,If Spike Lee has the courage and God knows the talent to dig into this Black on Black Crime and try to bring about a Healing and Solution…THANK GOD….I trust Spike Lee, everyone of his body of work has been powerful…..and to those worried about tourism…..if your worried then help stop the problem. Give us jobs, opportunities, economic development. Stop a Governor whose wiping out programs for youth..Personally I don’t give a damn about some tourist being afraid to come here, if some child here is afraid to LIVE here… And to all those outraged about a title…are you outraged about the 1 killed and 11 shot last nightThe ISRA is the state’s leading advocate of safe, lawful and responsible firearms ownership. For more than a century, the ISRA has represented the interests of millions of law-abiding Illinois firearm owners.
I’m sure Spike Lee will “Do the right thing”. Wait a minute… wasn’t “the right thing” at the end of the movie to burn, loot & pillage? I must just not get it because of my “White privledge”.