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By Philosophers Stone
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Real Secret Societies – Diaboli Ordinati Intrepidi

Sunday, July 12, 2015 1:26
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The original title of this documentary is “From JFK to 9/11 everything’s a rich man’s trick” however I thought I would change the name not only to bring light to it once more under a different title but to also highlight that this is one of the only documentaries that actually speaks on the real Secret Societies which for most are still a secret.

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  • If you follow the history of the worldwide plantation (colonization) and enslavement movement since the 1500′s by the internationalist elites using the nation states of Europe as their partners and enforcers you can follow this true history of how the world really works.

    Also, read the works of Carroll Quigley to understand how they effect their intent upon the world.

    Praise God!
    Long Live the World!

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