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Common Sense Technologies also known as Frequency Doctors say they have developed a method to calculate the exact frequency that it would take to shake a virus to death.
Their researchers have discovered that when viruses are bombarded with the correct frequency pulses, they shake apart. This arises from an inherent characteristic of all objects called a “resonant frequency,” which is the frequency at which an object naturally vibrates.
Resonant frequencies are the key to stringed instruments, in which a string of a certain material, thickness and length has a resonant frequency that produces a specific musical note. But resonant frequencies can also cause objects to shake so uncontrollably that their stability is undermined, as when a wind shook the Tacoma Narrows Bridge at its resonant frequency in 1940, causing it to collapse.
Because the shell of a single virus can contain millions of atoms, it is difficult to calculate a given virus’ resonant frequency except by trial and error. But in the current study, researchers successfully calculated the resonant frequency of or several viruses, Illnesses, diseases and conditions.
Vibrational treatments have a number of benefits over chemical approaches. First of all, while many drugs are very harsh on the body and have dangerous or debilitating side effects, the frequencies used to disrupt the viruses should have no effect on human or even bacterial cells, which are much larger and consequently have significantly lower resonant frequencies.
In addition, because a resonant frequency is an inherent characteristic of a virus’ makeup, the researchers say it is unlikely that resistance to it could develop.
The Life of Rife – Did He Discover a Cure for Cancer?
In the latter half of the 1990s decade, the orthodox medical system imploded. New forms of healing suddenly were chosen by huge segments of the American people while drug medicine, surgery and endless high technology diagnostics were increasingly rejected.
From this amazing shift to blood cleansing, herbal cures, acupuncture, energy body stimulation, and active physical and mental participation of the patient in the healing process came the revival of various lost or suppressed discoveries from other times.
Among the most outstanding was one based on the discoveries of Royal R. Rife, the lost genius of San Diego.
Rife was a brilliant scientist, born in the late 1800′s. After studying at Johns Hopkins, Rife developed bioelectric medicine technology that is still commonly used today in the fields of optics, electronics, radiochemistry, biochemistry, ballistics and aviation. He received 14 major awards and honors and was given an honorary Doctorate by the University of Heidelberg for his work.
In the 1930′s Rife invented a super microscope that used light in a revolutionary design. It enabled him to see a virus-size microbe, invisible to the naked eye, that could not even be seen with an electron microscope.
More important, unlike electron microscopes, the microbe remained alive. He found that every micro-organism has a “mortal oscillatory rate” – a point at which it will shatter or break apart when bombarded by sound waves, like an intense musical note that shatters a glass.
He discovered the microbe that caused, or at minimum was deeply involved with cancer!
Once the frequency for the cancer-linked microbe was identified, it was a simple step to test his world-shaking discovery on mice, and then move to clinical treatment of supposedly “terminal” cancer patients.
In 1934 Rife and a team of doctors and scientists from leading medical research facilities cured 16 out of 16 cancer patients using the Frequency Machine. Over the next four years the instruments and methods were refined. Some of North America’s most brilliant cancer researchers visited Rife’s laboratory and became involved in a secret research committee at U.S.C.
Clinical proof of successful and painless cures from cancer and other microbe-caused diseases increased as clinics in Los Angeles and San Diego slowly documented cases. Additional laboratory verification came from research institutions in San Francisco, Chicago, New Jersey and Montreal.
By the late 1930s, ENERGY MEDICINE doctors, using a variety of different electronic approaches, grew in numbers and had formed national associations.
However, the threat to orthodox medicine was too great. Without any consideration for their Hippocratic Oaths or the well being of people, medical officials and societies mounted a furious counterattack against Rife’s monumental discovery before the American public could be informed of it. Doctors who were using Rife’s instruments to treat cancer and other diseases were threatened with losing their licenses and being thrown into jail. Most meekly surrendered.
An energy medicine laboratory complex, which was in the process of verifying Rife’s discoveries, was mysteriously burned, while the owner was in California visiting Rife!
Rife was hauled into court, prevented from leaving for England where leading scientists were prepared to establish an independent testing facility to substantiate the great discovery, and distribute his unique instruments worldwide. All medical journals were censored and one of the greatest scientific and medical discoveries of the 20th century was ruthlessly shoved into a dungeon of history.
In the late 1980s an evolutionary shift slowly began to unfold throughout the world.
Bio-energetic - “subtle energy” interactions of the human body – became a serious research area in leading universities, private medical research facilities and government agencies (NASA). A grassroots interest in alternative medicine simultaneously erupted to confront drug medicine practitioners with their failures and expense.
From the information whirlwind, spurred by the Internet and “information democracy” a new interest has emerged in Royal R. Rife’s extraordinary cures, lost 60 years ago. Just over the horizon lies the awakening of mainstream America and possibly the delivery of Rife’s lost discoveries, to be integrated into a strikingly different, 21st century healing model, enabling natural, painless, inexpensive methods of curing many diseases.
Dr. Milbank Johnson of the University of Southern California organizes a clinical trial consisting of 16 persons with cancer diagnosed as “terminal”…
What Became of the Rife Technology?
After completing his microscope, he spent most of the 1920′s in this pursuit. Working with cancerous tissue confirmed by lab analysis to be malignant, Rife found what he deemed to be the guilty microbe and injected it into mice. When they then developed cancer; he removed their cancerous tumors and in them once again found the same microbe.
During the summer of 1934, 16 terminal cancer patients sat a few feet away from Rife’s Machine for three minutes every third day.
After 90 days, 15 were declared fully recovered by attending physicians and in another month, the other ones as well. In a nutshell, that is the essence of the Rife story – a microscope that could see virus-size microbes, which the best electron microscopes cannot see in their live state, and a frequency-emitting ray tube capable of killing the microbe which caused human cancer, thus enabling cancer patients to recover.
This story fired up Christopher Bird to write his 1976 article five years after Rife died at age 83, a forgotten man, The article revived some interest in Rife’s work but was largely ignored. Then Bird showed the article to independent scholar/journalist Barry Lynes, who urged Bird to write a book on Rife.
Bird, researching for his “Secrets of the Soil”, told Barry,
“I don’t have time-why don’t you write it?”
The result was Lynes’ comprehensive “The Cancer Cure That Worked”, which triggered a Rife revival.
Then came “The Royal Rife Report” by Borderland Sciences and later “The Rife Way” by the late Dallas researcher Mark Simpson.
An article by Dr. R. E. Seidel and Elizabeth Winter entitled “The New Microscopes”, published in the February 1944 “Journal of the Franklin Institute” and later reprinted in the Smithsonian annual report, contains a great deal of information on how the Rife microscope worked and about research done with it.
What Has Happened Now
My thoughts as one of the founders of Common Sense Technologies were and always have been was ”Perhaps the world will someday rediscover one of the greatest gifts on which it has ever turned its back. Someday we may develop equipment or technology similar to the Rife Ray machine. Then and ONLY then, through the elimination of disease, conditions and organisms, mankind will live a healthier, happier and longer life.” So I made it a focal point in my life, especially when both my mother and father passed away from cancer and during that time I had to see them suffer as the medical community claimed “they were doing everything known to man” to help.
So after years of research I compiled a list of the proven frequencies used by Rife. Separated them into several categories depending on the effectiveness of disease, illness, condition ect. However, the hardest part was to be able to submit them more than one frequency at a time. Because Rife was only able to give one frequency at a time it became time consuming having to sit hours a day on the machine to receive treatments. So pain stakenly, I creator and wrote a program to do just that. Now we administer between 48 to 96 frequencies simultaneously, setting us apart from everyone making us the leader.
Dr. Rife, right now, is looking down upon us at this time with the biggest grin he has because, he knew 70 years ago what could ultimately be achieved with the right technology. Unfortunately, he died praying that the technology would someday be available.
Contact Fr. Gerald J. Giunta, Frequency MD’s Symptom Analyst or Lawrence Gilligan, the genius behind the technology for your free consultation about your symptoms, and they will be glad to explain to you why you CAN start using frequencies even if you’ve already begun treatments from a physician. I hope you realize that frequency medicine can treat anything that is wrong with you, even if there is no diagnosis, and when you eliminate symptom, you cure the disease. We have been receiving many, many orders from countries that already use One Frequency Technology on a regular basis, as well as America. They are safe to use in any situation because they don’t disrupt functions, they don’t cause symptoms and they don’t interfere with medications or treatments under any circumstances.
We also have Pain Frequencies and all of the other RX Drug Frequencies except, they aren’t addictive. Feel free to phone Fr. Gerald at 727-418-6206 day or night 7 days a week for a free Symptom Analysis. Who knows, the symptoms you have may be the introduction to a serious illness you might never expect. Also, you can email us for counsel at mailto:[email protected]
The Frequency MD’s web site is
God Bess all of you!