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Something is pushing all this debris, including comets, at us RIGHT NOW! People want to know the earliest date we all begin to see it. The experts say we should be able to see it with a $29 “Black Friday Sale” telescope beginning around December 25th, 2015,… and the “arrival” date is said to be somewhere around March / April of 2016.
Because the speed at which it is traveling back toward our Sun is constantly increasing the closer it gets, it is difficult to predict an actual exact date of the “arrival”.
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About 3% of Russia’s populace suffered burns from the fireball that flew over earlier this year. What will the rest of 2015 be like? Where are they coming from? No one is saying anything about where they’re coming from! More compelling evidence that something big is coming at earth, or we’re entering into it’s path?!?
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Some may think it is another planet or a solar system with a sun. In this video I present evidence the “NIBIRU SYSTEM” is arriving and it may destroy the earth. We can see all the signs and changes that are happening right now across the world!!! You don’t have to believe whatever in this video. Do your own research and YOU be the judge.
As for myself, I have stockpiled enough food and water for myself and family for at least 1 year which would most likely be needed for survival in THE BEST CASE SCENARIO.
In a WORSE CASE SCENARIO food and water won’t even matter. We will be made to suffer a no-win situation worse then most can even begin to comprehend…
Perhaps the best case scenario would for us to simply be VAPORIZED… sort of a MASS HUMAN RAPTURE EVENT…
What if Jesus Christ is actually NIBIRU,… and the story of him returning to Earth somehow got twisted and re-written over time…?!?
RELATED : SHOCKING!!! RFID Beast Chip! It’s far worse than you think now.
Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.
This is a good motto to live by, despite how you think about things.
Individuals can still hope for the best (that things can and will eventually work out), but what good is your prosperity going to do if you don’t have anything to eat or a safe place to hang out for an extended period of time?
Why not prepare while you still can — when things are readily available and can still be purchased at cheap prices? The coming hyper-inflation will make any such purchases beforehand look very intelligent…
To prepare for the worst, you need a plan. Why are most people so against doing basic preparations that could be the difference on how they survive — or whether they survive?
History shows time and again that those who prepare always fare better than those who did not.
Having a plan and being determined to act on that plan will always be the best way to handle any contingencies, should they occur.
After disaster strikes, your mind is going to be racing around like a car on a race track. Preplanning and having a written set of measures to take will make someone’s life go much smoother when the SHT
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Thank You, September has come and gone, I needed a new date to prepare for and now I have one!!! Cool–
guess they havent read about the 2030 agenda yet
“The experts say” . . . there are always so-called experts telling us this and that about whatever dates which simply come and go without a whimper.
The whole thing has become a big yawn.
My advise, find something else to do like . . read your Bible!
Secret hint. Mouth breathers on YouTube are not experts. Nibiru was supposed to be here 20+ years ago, and every year it hasn’t happened since then, people say “next year!”.
Go get a real job you sloths.
Your ass in a fruit jar.
you folks need to stop with this type of news hype…No one believes you any more and you are just wasiting your time writing this nonsense.
Looks like people are actually starting to catch on that Nibiru isn’t real.
Good Luck.
I’ve only said that here, WHAT, 1,000 times?????