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Astrology for the Soul: November 4 – 10, 2015 – Kaypacha Lescher

Saturday, November 7, 2015 4:52
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Videos For An Earth In Transition –  

Source: Kaypacha Lescher 

“On assignment in a foreign land,
Seeking Truth to understand,
I find there’s way more than I thought,
More than my teachers ever taught.

Whoa, these are intense times and so many images came to my mind to describe it. How about the symphony is about to start and the conductor is missing? You’re tiptoeing through a mine field as it is the only way out? You’re the lead role in the play that is opening now and you’re not sure of your lines? Talk about nerve racking, stress producing, and tripped out! Well, you are not alone.

As I discuss in this report, we (as in those listening to this report haha!) have incarnated to bring in a New World, a New Age, and it is like a distant memory from another dimension that we once “knew.” We have to sooooo trust ourselves and pull from our inward knowing while it damn well seems like something else is going on here altogether…. OMG! Are we nuts or is this “reality” really from the past? We need to hold on, hang in, stay the course, a develop a relationship to the human element here so as to effect the healing that is so desperately needed. But oh, just how much patience do you have??????? You’ll find out by the end of the year!”


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